Understanding Islamic Finance – Analysis

A bit of history

Islamic finance during the time of the Prophet Muhammad was characterized by real transactions such as sale on credit and renting, rather than through modern banking systems, which did not exist at that time. The Bayt al-mal (Government Treasury) played a role in managing funds and included a branch for lending and receiving repayments of interest-free loans. This system emphasized fairness and the prohibition of interest (ribâ) as stated in the Qur’ân (2:275): (1)

The Regime’s Wars Are Built On Lies – OpEd

Americans are increasingly uneasy about their “national” security, and increasingly concerned that war is lapping at our shores. Instead of reducing the risk of harm to America and our interests, the federal government in Washington seems to be seeking it, investing in it, fueling it and lying about it.

The absolute control of Hezbollah of the border crossings to Syria is critical to its survival and leads to the destruction of the state of Lebanon

For many years now, Hezbollah has served as a major instrument of Iran to take over Lebanon, not only as a territory but as a sovereign state. Many Western countries would like to avoid that and invest in the former “Pearl of the Middle East”, led by France. These efforts are futile in view of the Iranian circumvention apparatus, who’s main mechanism is allocated in the border crossings between Syria and Lebanon. No matter how much pressure is put on a state level, Hezbollah will survive and even prosper, as long as one does not put an end to Hezbollah’s control over these main smuggling routes.

Ruining Europe to restore power to the US

Technologically, the Japanese have nothing to envy the Americans, whether in the electronics sector, artificial intelligence or the automotive industry. Similarly, the time when objects made in China could be considered as junk. Gigantic cities are endowed with the highest technology. In a few years, dozens of villages have been transformed into urban areas. The Chinese are great global suppliers of electronic components. Their wealthy entrepreneurs settled in Africa and project mega-projects in North America, particularly in Quebec. In 2022, the only lithium mine then operational in Canada, located in Manitoba, belonged to the Chinese company Sinomine Resource Group, which sends its production to China…1

Qu’est-ce que l’IA ? Illusions numériques, fausses promesses et rééducation de masse

Au cours des cinq dernières années, le concept d’intelligence artificielle a fait l’objet d’une grande fanfare, à tel point que sa primauté est considérée dans les médias comme une évidence. L’idée que les algorithmes peuvent «penser» est devenue un mythe omniprésent, un fantasme de science-fiction qui prend vie. La réalité est beaucoup moins impressionnante…

Amérique latine : Tentatives de coups d’État et coups d’État

En juin dernier, dans le contexte des événements du 26 juin de cette année, jour où un groupe de militaires a fait irruption au siège du gouvernement situé sur la place Murillo pour renverser Luis Arce et prendre le pouvoir, la BBC a dit que la Bolivie était «le pays dans lequel il y a eu le plus de tentatives de coups d’État» depuis 1950.

Christian Conspiracy Fantasies in the USA

One might need to issue a warning on conspiracy theories that are, as a matter of fact, rather mad fantasies and hallucination. Such conspiracy fantasies tend to link things that are not connected and imagining patterns where there are none.

Cognitive War in Venezuela: Words from Experts

Social media and for-profit media have tried to make people believe that there is a dictatorship in Venezuela and that the July 28 presidential election has been tainted by fraud. Washington disavows re-elected President Nicolas Maduro and several countries allied with US interests have followed the repeat scenario, but this time strengthened in the virtual domain (Internet).

Comment Washington a utilisé les mouvements takfiri et l’islamophobie pour atteindre ses objectifs géopolitiques

Au cours des deux derniers siècles, l’islam a été une identité culturelle manipulée par les Anglo-Saxons, d’abord par les Britanniques, puis par les Américains. Les États-Unis d’Amérique – au cours du XIXe siècle et jusqu’aux suites immédiates de la Première Guerre mondiale – ont eu une stratégie nationale qui a éclipsé toute politique extra-américaine dans la stratégie générale des États-Unis, lesquels ont accordé à leurs affaires intérieures une priorité bien plus grande qu’aux affaires étrangères. Cette stratégie, appelée «construire la différence», s’est traduite par la mise en place d’un gouvernement national et la stabilisation du système national d’autorité politique, ainsi que par l’expansion des activités économiques et l’augmentation de la capacité industrielle du pays.