Pour un débat dépassionné sur l’immigration

La France a longtemps été connue pour sa démographie dynamique. Mais des signes très préoccupants d’un dérèglement apparaissent ces dernières années, alerte le haut-commissaire au Plan François Bayrou. Les critiques lui ont reproché de vouloir ouvrir grand les vannes de l’immigration. Or le rapport ne dit pas vraiment cela.

In France, Teachers Tasked With Fighting Radicalization Face an Impossible Job

When Rachid Zerrouki, a teacher in Marseille, headed back to his classroom last Monday, he braced himself for the worst. He hadn’t seen his students since the brutal killing of Samuel Paty, a 47-year-old middle school teacher in the Paris suburb of Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, who was beheaded by a young Chechen refugee days after he showed his class cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad during a lesson about freedom of expression. With school back in session after a holiday break, the Education Ministry had instructed teachers to have students participate in a minute of silence to express solidarity with Paty and all teachers throughout France.

Infiltration By New Right And Threats To Political Culture – OpEd

It is necessary to keep an eye on the other strategies of the New Right and populists, to protect the political culture from a change towards right-wing ideas.

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, a key topic of discussion in the media was the growing impact of populism on political culture and the political order. The February 2020 election of Thomas Kemmerich of the Free Democratic Party (FDP) as Minister-President of the federal state of Thuringia in Germany gained international attention, as it marked the first time since the Second World War that a candidate was elected head of state government by the Christian Democrats (CDU), the liberals (FDP) and the right-wing, and partly right-extremist, party Alternative for Germany (AfD) by a ‘parliamentary trick’ — AfD members did not vote for their own candidate but unexpectedly shifted their votes to the liberal candidate, Kemmerich. This was contrary to common political behaviour in Germany.

Macron le destructeur

L’écologie devait faire partie des grands chantiers du quinquennat. Dans son dépassement de la droite et de la gauche, Macron prenait en compte l’urgence environnementale et souhaitait la dépolitiser, l’aborder de manière pragmatique et changer réellement les choses. Enfin, ça c’est ce qu’il disait. C’est fou, ce que Macron aura dit comme choses et aura fait le contraire depuis quatre ans en matière d’écologie, mais aussi de démocratie sociale, de sauvegarde de l’Etat providence, de lois sociétales enlisées sur le cannabis et la PMA… Des lois qui devaient au moins donner le change à son électorat bourgeois progressiste et montrer qu’il était moderne, tellement moderne !

L’adjuration des centurions

Tous les corps de l’État ont donc le droit de la ramener, de grouiller, de scribouiller, de maugréer, de se politiser et de s’encanailler, sauf les militaires ?

Ils sont la fine fleur de la nation. Ils sont ces femmes et hommes, pas si nombreux, prêts à mourir pour défendre la France si le devoir les conduit à cette terrible extrémité. Ils partagent avec gendarmes, policiers et pompiers une prise de risque fréquente et parfois fatale.

Les militaires d’active, de réserve ou en retraite constituent l’un des derniers bastions de l’honneur, de la fidélité et du respect de l’autorité.

Pourquoi la gauche est-elle en si piteux état ?

   Bien que n’exerçant pas actuellement le pouvoir, la gauche française est en mauvais état. Le désir d’alternance ne joue pas en sa faveur. D’où vient le désamour dont elle est victime ? Quatre causes principales expliquent l’état comateux dans lequel elle végète : déni de la réalité, goût immodéré pour les minorités couplé à un aveuglement à leur sujet, incapacité de parler au peuple, enfin entre-soi arrogant et sectaire.

Déni de la réalité

Israel attacks Gaza after Jerusalem defeat

wenty Palestinians, nine of them children, were killed in Israeli bombing attacks in the Gaza Strip on Monday night.

This came at the end of a day of violence that began in occupied East Jerusalem, where Israeli forces assaulted worshippers at the al-Aqsa mosque compound, injuring hundreds.

Scenes of brutality in Jerusalem generated outrage and solidarity among Palestinians and around the world.

The Venture Capitalists of Terrorism

Even with its physical “caliphate” in Iraq and Syria in tatters, the Islamic State is still managing to wage a global insurgency, maintaining an operational presence in at least 20 separate countries.

Turkey Seizes Alleged Top ISIS Man

Turkish authorities on Sunday said they had arrested a top ISIS commander and close aide of the terror group’s former leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in a military raid conducted last week in Istanbul.

Ethnic Engineering: Denmark’s Ghetto Policy

The very word is chilling, but has become normalised political currency in Denmark. Since 2010, the Danish government has resorted to generating “ghetto lists” marking out areas as socially problematic for the state. In 2018, the country’s parliament passed “ghetto” laws to further regulate the lives of individuals inhabiting various city areas focusing on their racial and ethnic origins. The legislation constitutes the spear tip of the “One Denmark without Parallel Societies – No Ghettos in 2030” initiative; its target: “non-Western” residents who overbalance the social ledger by concentrating in various city environs.