Hezbollah’s aggression in the eyes of the growing Lebanese opposition

Ever since the start of the escalation in South Lebanon last October, with the harsh destruction and the dire economic situation of the residents of South and Central Lebanon, we have witnessed a significant rise of voices criticizing Hezbollah’s conduct.

It appears that Lebanon is being hijacked by foreign interests, utilizing Hezbollah, leading the beautiful and multicultural country into disaster.

Wissam Muhammad Saber


Terror organization: Kata’ib Hezbollah

Status: Key figure, special advisor and senior field commander at the special operations wing of the terror organization. Commander of the group’s operations in Syria.

Role: On February 7, 2024, the U.S military confirmed that it had struck a vehicle in Baghdad, killing its occupants. U.S.-designated terrorist group Kataib Hezbollah confirmed that one of its senior leaders, Abu Baqr al-Saeedi (real name Wissam Muhammad Saber), was killed in this vehicle Baghdad.

«Le Grand Israël est là», ou la théorie du complot devenue réalité

Depuis la création de Tel-Aviv en 1948, bien des choses ont été dites et écrites sur le «Grand Israël» – une idée selon laquelle l’objectif ultime du sionisme serait l’annexion forcée et le nettoyage ethnique de vastes étendues de terres arabes pour y implanter des colonies juives, sur la base d’affirmations bibliques selon lesquelles ce territoire aurait été promis aux juifs par Dieu. Les médias rejettent généralement ce concept comme une théorie du complot antisémite ou, tout au plus, comme le fantasme marginal d’une minuscule poignée d’Israéliens.

Le bonheur et le martyre, selon l’iman Ali, et Abou Obeida

Le livre des conseils du prophète Ali pour un bon gouvernement.

Ali, gendre et cousin du prophète Mahomet, s’adresse à Malik, qu’il vient de nommer gouverneur d’Egypte, et le bref ouvrage en question se compose de recommandations de justice, de mansuétude, d’humilité, d’écoute des pauvres, de recherche de la prospérité pour le pays. Aux antipodes des conseils de Machiavel, il ne donne pas de conseils dans l’art et l’exercice de la ruse. Tous deux se placent cependant à l’identique sous le regard de Dieu, sur terre et dans l’au-delà. Dans la société islamique, telle que la décrit Ali, les commerçants sont la catégorie qui englobe toute l’activité placée sous le signe du profit: industrie, progrès technique, production, management, financiarisation, profit ne sont pas évoqués en tant que tels ; tout cela rentre dans la catégorie des activités commerciales, échanges à l’intérieur du pays, et import-export.

Ahluddin Navqotiy


Terror organization: Uzbek Katibat al-Tawhid wal-Jihad (KTJ)

Status: Imam

Role: He is the highest religious authority in KTJ.

Location: Syria/ Turkey.

Abu Muhammad al Turkistani

Terror organization: Turkistan Islamic Party in Syria

Status: Leader

Role: He has more than a decade of experience fighting in Afghanistan. Came few years ago to Syria to assist HTS. On 31 st of December,2024, he received from al-Julani the rank of “Colonel” in the new formation of the regime in Syria (post Assad regime). This honor has been granted only to the leaders of the factions allied with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and agreed by Turkey.

Location: Syria.

Ilmurad Khikmatov


Terror organization: Uzbek Katibat al-Tawhid wal-Jihad (KTJ)

Status: Leader

Role: KTJ’s current leader and also one of al-Qaeda’s devoted followers. In April 2019, Abdul Aziz, an ethnic Uzbek of the Fergana Valley and former deputy emir of the al- Qaeda-linked Islamic Jihad Union (IJU) in Afghanistan, was elected the new leader of KTJ. According to a UN Security Council report dated 3 February 2022, “KTJ’s capability is undermined by conflict between the current group leader Abdul Aziz and the former group emir Abu Saloh.” But this is a superficial assessment of the situation taking place among the Uzbek jihadists in Syria.

The Ancient Precursor To IMEC – Analysis

The India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC), first announced by Prime Minister Modi on 9 September 2023 on the sidelines of India’s G20, will accelerate under the new Trump Presidency and the likely resolution of the Israel-Hamas war, a prelude to which is the latest 45-day ceasefire between the warring parties.

Qatar’s ‘Day After’ Plan for Gaza: Keeping Hamas in Power

Qatar wants the Palestinian Authority (PA) government to collect the garbage, rebuild destroyed houses, and pay salaries to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, while Hamas is busy rearming, regrouping and getting ready for the next attack on Israel.

[T]he PA government in Ramallah, the de facto capital of the Palestinians in the West Bank, decided to suspend the broadcasts of the Qatar-owned Al-Jazeera television for supporting and promoting Hamas and other Palestinian terror groups. Israel and some Arab states had also shut down the broadcasts for the same reason.

Syrian spy agency targeted ICIJ’s Syrian media partner, documents show

Assad regime collected intel on SIRAJ journalists after its reporting on Syria’s use of Western-made trucks triggered more sanctions.

Syria’s feared intelligence services launched an investigation into ICIJ’s Syrian media partner, Syrian Investigative Reporting for Accountability Journalism, after it reported on Damascus’ business links with Europe, internal documents reveal.