Israeli strikes kill 7 Hezbollah members in south Lebanon

An Israeli drone strike hit a car in south Lebanon Saturday morning, killing three Hezbollah members, state media and officials said.

Another four Hezbollah members were killed in a strike on a house in the town of Ramia overnight, said a Lebanese security official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to journalists.

Senior Officials In The Yemeni-Houthi Judiciary Participate In A Military Exercise Simulating Direct Confrontation With U.S. And Israel, Use Biden Posters As Target Practice

Al-Masirah TV [Houthis-Yemen] aired a report about officials within the Houthi judiciary undergoing military training. According to the report, the Houthi Mufti of Yemen, the attorney-general, and the justice minister, along with other judiciary officials participated in a military exercise simulating a “direct confrontation” with America and Israel. Houthi Mufti of Yemen Shams Al-Din Sharaf Al-Din said that Jihad and the culture of martyrdom are the only way to bring honor and glory. Attorney-general Muhammad Al-Dulaimi said that the participants in the military exercise felt “very proud” to learn how to fire weapons.

Ansar Allah Movement Blames U.S. And Britain For Damage To Undersea Cables In Red Sea; Lebanese Daily: Ansar Allah To Expand Operations To Mediterranean Sea

On March 2, 2024, in a joint statement, both the Houthi Ministry of Transportation and the Houthi Maritime Affairs Authority accused the U.S. and Britian of damaging undersea cables in the Red Sea as part of the war they say the two countries are waging against Yemen. At the same time, the pro-Hizbullah, Lebanese Al-Akhbar daily claimed that according to “military sources” in Yemen, the Houthis possess “strategic weapons” that they have not yet employed, and that in the near future they intend to expand their military operations to beyond the Gulf of Aden and attack Israeli ships in the Mediterranean Sea as well.

Hossein Hatefi Ardakani

Terror organization: IRGC

Status: He is an Iranian businessman who has helped acquire and supply sophisticated technology that has supported IRGC weapons production and sales.

Roll: Since 2014, Ardakani has used his network of intermediary companies, including Malaysia and Hong Kong based front companies and UAE logistics businesses, to procure and to facilitate the transfer of sensitive U.S. and foreign origin materials, components, and technology to Iran for its weapons programs. These weapons, including the Shahed-136 and Shahed-131 UAVs, are developed on behalf of the IRGC and then sold on the international market. Some of those UAVs have been sold to the Russian armed forces for its use in its illegal military operation in Ukraine. Proceeds from these arms sales directly benefit the IRGC.

Le Hezbollah détient un groupe armé néerlandais dans la banlieue de Beyrouth

Depuis octobre, diverses ambassades de pays occidentaux dont la Grande-Bretagne ont fait venir forces spéciales & équipements de pointe sous prétexte d’évacuer leurs diplomates & leurs ressortissants.

Le personnel de sécurité du Hezbollah a arrêté six ressortissants néerlandais dans la banlieue sud de Beyrouth mercredi dernier, a rapporté Al-Akhbar le 2 mars.

Israeli Strike Kills 7 Hezbollah Fighters In Lebanon

Israeli air and drone strikes have killed seven Hezbollah fighters, including a field commander, in less than 24 hours.

Three of the fighters died when their car was targeted by an Israeli drone early on Saturday on the coastal road from Al-Naqoura toward the city of Tyre.

Coinciding with Promotion of Hundreds of Officers: Bashar Refers 7,000 Soldiers to Retirement

Bashar al-Assad issued an administrative order to retire about 7,000 volunteers, according to Shaam Network.

The Ministry of Defense in the Assad regime’s government announced on Tuesday, January 2nd, the retirement of approximately seven thousand volunteers from Assad’s militias. Additionally, the Ministries of Defense and Interior unveiled the 2024 promotion schedule, encompassing the elevation of numerous officers.

Syria Today – HRW Blames Turkey for Possible War Crimes

Turkey bears responsibility for possible war crimes in Syria, Human Rights Watch says

Human Rights Watch says Turkey bears responsibility for some of the abuses and possible war crimes committed in Syria, mostly against Kurdish residents in northern Syria

In swathes of northern Syria, Türkiye is an occupying power.

Iran Failed to Declare New Nuclear Facility, IAEA Reports

Latest Developments

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed on February 26 that Iran violated a mandatory obligation to inform the agency of plans to construct a new nuclear facility. In a quarterly report viewed by FDD, the IAEA said Tehran’s recent groundbreaking on a new nuclear power reactor near Darkovin, known as the IR-360, ran afoul of an IAEA rule known as Modified Code 3.1. The code requires Iran to report to the agency when the regime decides to build a new nuclear-material production facility and provide initial design information. Iran’s violation of the code intensifies concern that Tehran will fail to inform the IAEA if it constructs a secret uranium enrichment plant to rapidly make fuel for atomic weapons.

On Hypocrisy and Genocide – How Gaza Has Exposed the West Like Never Before

The Israeli genocide in Gaza will be remembered as the moral collapse of the West.

As soon as the Israeli war began, following the Al-Aqsa Flood Operation on October 7, every moral or legal frame of reference that Washington and its western allies supposedly held dear was suddenly dropped. Western leaders rushed to Israel, one after the other, offering military, political and intelligence support – along with a blank check to rightwing Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu and his generals to torment the Palestinians.