Iranization And Shi’ization In Syria: Iran Tightens Its Grip On The Country And Deepens Its Influence There


Since the outbreak in 2011 of the Syria war between the Bashar Al-Assad regime and its domestic and foreign opponents, Iran has acted to consolidate its presence in Syria and tighten its grip on the country, on every level. For Iran, the activity in Syria is not only a means to shore up the Assad regime, but It is also part of exporting Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution. This is a major goal of the Iranian regime, which seeks to expand the Shi’ite-Iranian hegemony in the Islamic world at the expense of the Sunni hegemony.[1]

US magazine: ‘Hamas is winning’

US Foreign Affairs magazine confirmed on Friday: “Hamas is stronger today than it was on October 7. Its cause is more popular and its appeal stronger than before October 7.”

The magazine wrote in a report: “After nine months of gruelling war, it is time to recognize the stark reality: there is no military-only solution to defeat Hamas,” adding that “Hamas is neither defeated nor on the verge of defeat.”

Compte à rebours vers la fin de l’entité sioniste

Le 7 octobre 2023 aura probablement été un accélérateur de la décomposition de l’entité sioniste. Non pas en raison de ses effets militaires, somme toute limités, mais en raison de la réaction des autorités sionistes qui ont entrepris de livrer une guerre contre la population civile de Gaza au prétexte d’éliminer le Hamas.

Si la guerre dégénère, les infrastructures occidentales deviendront-elles les nouvelles cibles ?

Les alliés occidentaux d’Israël pensent-ils sortir indemnes d’une guerre généralisée ? Comment croient-ils pouvoir armer une agression contre un pays tout en restant en sécurité dans leur capitale ?

L’assaut militaire brutal d’Israël sur Gaza, en cours depuis neuf mois, bénéficie du soutien total de plusieurs États alliés de l’Occident, non seulement en fournissant à la machine de guerre de l’armée d’occupation une large gamme d’armements et de munitions, mais aussi en participant directement à l’action militaire. Les États-Unis et la Grande-Bretagne, par exemple, ont fourni des données de reconnaissance et de renseignement essentielles et ont envoyé leurs forces spéciales pour aider Israël dans ses opérations militaires.

Ten Years Ago, ISIS Seized Power and Territory. What’s Happened Since?

Ten years ago, the terrorist group known as ISIS stunned the world when it seized wide swaths of territory in Iraq and Syria and declared its own caliphate.

By the time territory from that self-proclaimed caliphate was fully retaken in 2019, ISIS had terrorized civilian populations in Iraq and Syria, carried out a genocidal campaign against the Yazidi religious minority, broadcast the beheadings of journalists and aid workers, and staged deadly terror attacks in Paris, Nice, Brussels, Manchester, Turkey and beyond.

The Futility of a Lebanon War

Israel has no military options that could achieve a better result than a negotiated solution or a return to the status quo.

As tensions have risen in the border area between Lebanon and Israel, many observers are predicting that Hezbollah and the Israeli military will soon be at war. On June 26, several governments began advising their citizens to leave Lebanon. Certainly, there is a high likelihood that some escalation will happen in the coming weeks, but for now we’re still not in the final stages of the build-up to a Lebanese-Israeli apocalypse.

The killing of top Iranian and Hezbollah operatives is a senseless carnage – or is it!?

There seems to be a hidden hand that pushes the players, and not anyone you would think of at first.

Over the last few months, we are witnessing a long line of assassinations of mainly top operatives, allegedly performed by Israeli units, acting in Lebanon, Syria and Iran. This should not boggle our minds, nor should we doubt the incentive. But something has changed, not in motivation and not in resolve, but in essence. The front page is clear and says as follows: Iran has masterminded the Attack on Israel and now it’s payback time. But Iran has been a nemesis for decades, and the list of targets makes no real sense, at least not at first.