Turkey: Turning on Washington to Benefit Moscow

“Turkey and [Libya’s] Government of National Accord reached an unusual agreement to essentially carve up much of the energy-rich eastern Mediterranean between them — threatening to cut out Greece and Cyprus from the coming bonanza.” — Foreign Policy, Keith Johnson, December 23, 2019.

Turkey’s Gunboat Gambit in the Mediterranean

Erdoğan seems to think that his best defense in the Mediterranean power game is an offense.

One emerging power in Libya, however, is not a Western state actor…. Russia has the potential to step into the Libyan theater with a bigger proxy and direct force, to establish its second permanent Mediterranean military presence.

ISRAEL – Go back to Africa…

One of the surprises so far in 2019 in a diplomatic sense has to be the reestablishment of ties between the State of Israel and Chad. From State Visits to formal ties to even the meeting that took place between the Ambassadors at the United Nations within the last 24 hours it is clear that some of these States in the Sahel are seeking new partners. Why is that?

Saudis and Sudan Terror Sanctions

The current image of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia continues to take a hit. Earlier this month was the one year anniversary of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, Turkey. The situation in Yemen continues to fester and earlier this summer a series of UAV strikes targeted the country including the Petroleum Industry.