What is Turkey’s endgame in Libya?

Turkey’s reimagining of the Pax Ottomana has not made many friends in the region, and it currently finds itself at odds with Egypt, UAE and Greece to name a few. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has made very clear his ambition that Turkey will be a leader in the Mediterranean and in the Middle East and North Africa region. Turkey’s new strategic direction continues to be conducted with hubris and polemics as Erdoğan envisions Turkey’s role beyond a regional power to a “global one”.

Turkey’s Challenge to the Regional Status Quo Begins in the Eastern Mediterranean

On July 24, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan joined thousands of worshippers in the streets around the historic Hagia Sophia in Istanbul for a doubly symbolic moment. Surrounded by a swarm of politicians, soldiers, security forces and imams, the Turkish leader made his way into the giant, former Byzantine cathedral through doors once hammered open by conquering Ottoman soldiers in 1453. Inside, he read out the namaz, or Muslim prayer, formally turning the 1,500-year-old building back into a mosque.

Lebanon | Haniyeh from Ain Al-Hilwe: Today We Meet in Beirut, Tomorrow in Al-Quds

Head of the Political Bureau of Hamas Movement Ismail Haniyeh visited Ain Al-Hilwe Palestinian refugee camp in south Lebanon on Sunday and addressed crowds referring to his meeting with Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hasan Nasrallah in Beirut earlier saying “Today’s meeting is in Beirut and Ain Al-Hilwe, while tomorrow we will meet in Palestine and Al-Quds God willing.”

Confruntări şi lupte între SUA şi Rusia în Siria: morţi, răniţi şi şicanări ale forţelor armate

Un război surd are loc în Siria în această perioadă în care trupele ruse şi americane au intrat în contact şi în confruntări directe în numeroase zone pe teren. Flancaţi de companiile militare private controlate de GRU şi de trupele guvernamentale siriene, ruşii au declanşat o campanie de şicanare şi atacuri directe asupra trupelor americane din nord-estul Siriei, pe care doresc să le împingă afară din Siria.

Mapping Hezbollah’s Worldwide Activities

n August 3, The Washington Institute held a virtual Policy Forum with Matthew Levitt, Kash Patel, and Juan Zarate to debut the Lebanese Hezbollah Select Worldwide Activity Interactive Map and Timeline, the first-ever publicly available interactive multimedia tool charting the group’s history of terrorist plots, attacks, logistics, and financial activities, as well as actions taken against it. Levitt, the map’s creator, is the Fromer-Wexler Fellow at the Institute and director of its Reinhard Program on Counterterrorism and Intelligence. Patel serves as deputy assistant to the president and senior director for counterterrorism at the National Security Council. Zarate served as deputy assistant to the president and deputy national security advisor for combating terrorism in the George W. Bush administration. The following is a rapporteur’s summary of their remarks.