L’islamisme, le surmoi de l’islam ?

Après des décennies de violence on ne peut plus dire que l’islam n’a rien à voir avec l’islamisme. Chaque attentat met en évidence une cascade de complicités allant de la relativisation à l’apologie, de l’indulgence à la justification, le tout enrobé d’un complotisme victimaire.

Conflict over Muslim Brotherhood still separating Egypt, Turkey

Cairo is said to be waiting for what will emerge from the recent phone conversation between the Saudi monarch, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, and Turkish President RecepTayyip Erdogan.

Well-informed Egyptian sources revealed that the close relations between Egypt and Saudi Arabia did not prevent “each country from keeping a margin of independence to move as it sees fit at the level of the region.”

Caucasus: Clash of Imperial Dreams

To start with, the mini-victory he [Erdogan] has won against Armenia may have whetted Erdogan’s appetite for further conquests. Pro-Erdogan papers in Turkey are beating the drums about “victory in the Caucasus” as the first time, since the end of the Ottoman Empire, that Turks have managed to “liberate” a chunk of Islamdom from “infidel” rule.

Iran’s influence extends to South America

Since the death of General Soleimani in Baghdad on January 2nd as a result of a Drone Strike at the Baghdad International Airport, there has been great consternation that the Trump Administration would take such a bold step and fear that Iran will retaliate for this move.

Migration as a Weapon – How to Stop Erdogan

Turkish President Erdogan is currently in a precarious situation. Turkey suffered in Syria severe military setbacks with dozens of killed. Yesterday’s agreement with Russia’s President Putin foresees a withdrawal of the Islamists supported by Turkey from a larger area to the south and east of Idlib. More than 30 Turkish soldiers died in Libya in the last few days. EU sanctions against two Turkish citizens because of the natural gas drilling off Cyprus are damaging to Erdogan’s reputation.

Israel carried out air strikes on the Syrian army and Iranian special forces

According to the Syrian state news agency SANA, the Israeli air force has carried out large-scale air strikes on positions of the Syrian army and Iranian special forces Al-Quds in the area of ​​the Syrian capital Damascus

The strikes took place early this morning [November 18 – ed.] and were confirmed by the Russian side, as a number of media officially quoted a press release from the Russian Ministry of Defense, including the Russian media RIA Novosti. According to the Syrian news agency SANA, earlier this morning the Syrian air defense managed to repel another Israeli attack.