Anti-France protests draw tens of thousands across Muslim world

A rift between the Muslim world and France is widening, as leaders and the public in Muslim countries respond to the October 2 speech of President Emmanuel Macron saying Islam was “in crisis” globally. The fallout deepened with renewed Macron support to show caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad and anti-France demonstrations on Friday in several Muslim countries.

Charlie Hebdo Cartoons and Blasphemy Laws in Contemporary Times

The murder of French school teacher Samuel Paty by an 18 year old Muslim boy of Russian origin has opened the Pandora’s Box all over. Few days’ later three people were killed in Nice, in France again. There were protests against France in few Muslim majority countries like Bangladesh and there was boycott of French goods in many of them.

Terrorism and French Values- Sowing and Reaping?

There have been some horrendous, despicable killings by Muslim extremists in France. Such killings must be condemned.

French president Emmanuel Macron played the victim card, saying that France “will not give into terrorism.” Yet when 21st century France engages in overseas militarism, otherwise known as state terrorism, in places with large Muslim populations – places that never attacked France — such as Afghanistan, Côte d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Chad, Somalia, Libya, North Mali, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen then what is to be expected? Is it okay for France to engage in militarism abroad and expect no blowback on French soil? Must not the French terrorism be condemned?

Que veulent les terroristes? Nous soumettre!

Par la violence mais aussi l’influence médiatique, politique, financière, le jihad judiciaire, l’entrisme dans les institutions et la banalisation de leurs exigences, nos ennemis entendent nous imposer l’islam comme référence culturelle et source normative suprêmes.

J’ai rédigé ce texte avant le tragique attentat qui vient de frapper Notre-Dame-de-Nice, et sur lequel je ne me prononcerais pas avant d’en savoir plus, si ce n’est pour exprimer bien évidemment toute ma compassion aux victimes et à leurs proches.

Turkey supports UN-led political process for peace in Libya, FM says

Turkey will continue to support the United Nations-led political process that is working to ensure lasting peace and stability in Libya, Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu stated Friday after meeting with the U.N.’s special envoy in the capital Ankara.

We will always stand by the friendly and brotherly people of Libya, the top diplomat wrote on Twitter.

The New Kings of Jihadist Terrorism: Azerbaijan and Turkey

The vicious war against the Armenian Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabagh) and Armenia by Azerbaijan, Turkey, and thousands of their jihadist terrorists has passed the one month mark.

The jihadis’ presence, which includes ISIS, is consistent with the debauched political cultures and national ambitions of Azerbaijan and Turkey. It also tells us that the U.S./NATO/EU stance towards those countries continues to be dangerously passive.