Photos appear to show body of slain Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar

Graphic photos show Hamas leader and Oct. 7 mastermind Yahya Sinwar lying lifeless in a pile of rubble after he was killed in a routine raid that caught him by chance and surprised soldiers.

Sinwar, the architect of the single deadliest attack on Jews since the Holocaust, was among three militants killed Wednesday during a military operation in southern Gaza caught on dramatic video.

Israel Looks to Private Defense Sector to Counter Drones

Latest Developments

The Israeli Ministry of Defense announced on October 15 that it held a trial to solicit technologies for countering unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) launched by Iran-backed proxies. The ministry said that eight large and small companies participated in the trials, including Elbit Systems, Rafael, and Israel Aerospace Industries and startup firms. “After analyzing the trial results, the Defense Ministry will select several technologies to enter an accelerated development and production process,” the ministry’s announcement said. “This aims to deploy new operational capabilities within months.”

Israel has killed Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar

Israel announced Thursday that its soldiers have killed Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar in a routine patrol in the southern Gaza Strip. Hamas confirmed the death a day later, adding that Sinwar had “died fighting and confronting the occupation army.” No official successor has been named.

Cheikh Naim Qassem : «Nous avons entrepris une nouvelle phase, celle de faire mal à l’ennemi. Nous le tiendrons en laisse et le ramènerons au bercail»

Le vice-secrétaire général du Hezbollah cheikh Naim Qassem a prononcé ce mardi un discours qui a été retransmis par la télévision. C’est sa 3ème allocution depuis le martyre de son éminence Sayeed Hassan Nasrallah.

Il a commencé son discours en s’adressant au Grand martyr Sayeed Hassan Nasrallah :

Israël attaque les Nations unies

Contrairement à une idée reçue, l’Assemblée générale des Nations unies n’a accepté l’adhésion d’Israël que sous condition (résolution 273). Or, Tel-Aviv n’a jamais respecté ses engagements. Il refuse d’appliquer 229 résolutions du conseil de Sécurité et de l’assemblée générale. Il vient de déclarer une agence de l’ONU «organisation terroriste», a appelé à raser son siège à New York, a désigné persona non grata son secrétaire général António Guterres, et vient d’attaquer quatre fois les forces de l’ONU au Liban (FINUL), blessant deux casques bleus.

Une extermination réussie – A priori

Israël va poursuivre ses massacres pour atteindre ses objectifs immédiats, mais à long terme, le contrecoup du génocide condamne déjà l’État sioniste.

Le génocide d’Israël a alimenté les rangs de la résistance palestinienne, transformé Israël et les USA en parias méprisés, qui gagneront sans doute cette manche, mais ont signé à terme leur propre arrêt de mort.

Hamas Network in the UK – Exposed

Since the mid-1990s, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood have established a stronghold in the UK, despite the British government’s decision in 2001 to designate Hamas (including its political wing) as a terrorist organization.

The report unveils the activities of Hamas-related organizations in the UK.

Les États-Unis alliés à des djihadistes ukrainiens et syriens pour lutter contre la Russie

Des décennies après la fin de la guerre froide, les États-Unis continuent d’avoir recours aux guerres par procuration comme stratégie centrale dans leurs confrontations avec les principaux rivaux mondiaux, en particulier la Russie et la Chine. Cette approche leur permet d’étendre leur influence et de poursuivre leurs objectifs géopolitiques sans engagement militaire direct, en comptant sur des acteurs tiers pour faire le sale boulot.

What Are Iran’s Nuclear and Missile Capabilities?

Iran’s nuclear program and missile arsenal have garnered increased international scrutiny amid its flaring conflict with Israel.


Many foreign policy experts warn that if Iran were to acquire nuclear weapons, it would be broadly destabilizing for the Middle East and nearby regions. A first-order concern is that Iran’s possession of nuclear weapons would pose a major, perhaps existential threat to Israel, its longtime foe. Other foreign policy experts say Iran would be assuring its own demise if it were to launch a nuclear strike on Israel, a close U.S. defense partner and possessor of its own nuclear weapons arsenal, which is undeclared. Either way, there would be a dangerous potential for miscalculation that could result in a nuclear exchange, analysts say.

Identifying and DisruptingKey Antisemitic Actors— A Five – Step Guide

Since the HAMAS attack on Israel on 7 October, 20231 and the ensuing war in Gaza, many countries have seen an unprecedented rise in reported antisemitic incidents.1 Dozens of research and policy reports have since been published, many of them aiming to count and map the extent of these antisemitic incidents.2 Other reports have focused particularly on the online dimension of antisemitism since 7 October.3 Few reports, if any, have aimed at identifying and understanding the key antisemitic actors behind many of
these incidents.