Yahya Sinwar

Yahya Sinwar was an internationally designated senior Hamas leader with ties to the group’s political and military wings.


October 18, 2024: Hamas releases a statement on Telegram confirming Sinwar’s death, calling him one of the “great martyr leaders.” The group further vows to continue a “comprehensive” fight.

Iran : la majorité des armes utilisées par les terroristes dans les provinces orientales sont occidentales

Le commandant adjoint du quartier général d’al-Qods des Gardiens de la révolution iranienne, le général de brigade Ahmed Shafaei, a souligné « la poursuite de la lutte contre le terrorisme dans les provinces orientales du pays ».

Le général de brigade Shafaei a indiqué que « la manœuvre menée par les Gardiens de la révolution à la frontière orientale et dans la province du Sistan-Baloutchistan se poursuivra avec la participation d’autres services de sécurité, dans le but de nettoyer ces zones des terroristes et d’y renforcer la sécurité ».

Nasrallah R.I.P – What really happened and why!

The general secretary of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, is gone. Decades of his reign over Hezbollah, his personal connection to the spiritual leader Khamenei, and his everlasting equations – all gone. He may be mourned by his followers, maybe even by Hezbollah experts, who have studied Nasrallah for years, but many are celebrating. Many more than you could imagine. The reason for it is much more complex, much more delicate and sensitive, and far more dangerous than meets the eye. This is unexpected, and mind-blowing but makes a lot of sense. Where did the intel come from? Who played along? Why would anyone double-cross the undisputed leader and “guardian of Lebanon” and the best friend of the Iranian homeland? To understand it fully, you have to know the basic facts.

Iran Update, November 4, 2024

Iran reportedly warned some Arab countries that it will conduct a complex attack on Israel in retaliation for the recent Israel Defense Forces (IDF) strikes on Iran.[i] Unspecified Arab and Iranian officials told the Wall Street Journal that the upcoming Iranian attack will include drones and missiles and that some will have heavier payloads than those which Iran has previously fired at Israel. Western and Iranian analysts have noted that Iran could use the Khorramshahr-4 liquid-fueled, medium-range ballistic missile, which purportedly carries a payload of 1,500 kilograms and has a range of 2,000 kilometers.[ii] The Arab and Iranian officials also told the Wall Street Journal that Iran will use other weapons beyond drones and missiles and will include the conventional Iranian military, known as the Artesh, in the attack. The inclusion of the Artesh would mark the first time that it has attacked Israel; the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) has taken lead on attacking Israel up until this point. The Artesh would participate presumably because the IDF killed four Artesh officers in its recent strikes on Iran.[iii] Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei reportedly told senior regime officials that the IDF strikes were ”too large to ignore.”[iv] The Artesh has some means of supporting an attack on Israel, such as one-way attack drones, decades-old combat aircraft, and ship-launched missiles, though it remains far from clear that these systems would perform well against Israeli defenses.[v]

Fighting Ideologies: Lessons Learned From The War On Terror And Their Application To Strategic Competition – Analysis


The United States along with its allies and partners devoted critical time and energy to countering the ideology of al Qaeda (AQ) and the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) as part of a comprehensive strategy to defeat these groups in the Global War on Terror (GWOT). These ideologies, which were part of a larger interpretation of Islam called Jihadi Salafism, formed a critical warfighting capability for these terrorist groups that explained what was wrong with the world and who was to blame for it, an ideal state for how the world ought to be, and how to get there.

Who are the potential next leaders of Hamas after Haniyeh’s death?

Palestinian terrorist group Hamas has a history of swift and smooth replacement of fallen leaders killed in Israeli airstrikes.

Ismail Haniyeh’s assassination in Tehran early Wednesday, widely attributed to Israel, comes at a time when Hamas is under extreme pressure since the war in Gaza started nearly 10 months ago, following the group’s massive Ocrtober 7 attack on southern Israel.


Terror organization: Hamas

Status: Deputy of Salah al Aruri in the leadership of Hamas’ West Bank.

Role: Besides being deputy of al Aruri, Jabarin is deeply involved in the construction department which oversees developing the combat terror capabilities of the organization.

Moreover, he oversaw Hamas’ financial department and took care personally about financial operation, established of businesses and money laundering in Turkey, Qatar, Lebanon and more.

Iran’s supreme leader threatens Israel and US with ‘a crushing response’ over Israeli attack

Iran’s supreme leader on Saturday threatened Israel and the U.S. with “a crushing response” over attacks on Iran and its allies.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei spoke as Iranian officials are increasingly threatening to launch yet another strike against Israel after its Oct. 26 attack on the Islamic Republic that targeted military bases and other locations and killed at least five people.