Το μεγάλο παζάρι στο ΝΑΤΟ και τα κέρδη του Ερντογάν

Ο σκληρός εκβιασμός Ερντογάν έπιασε, οδηγώντας σε μια ταπεινωτική, σε ορισμένα σημεία της, Συμφωνία με τη Σουηδία και τη Φινλανδία, που επιτρέπει στις δυο χώρες να ξεκινήσουν την ενταξιακή διαδικασία στο ΝΑΤO και προσφέρει στον Τούρκο ηγέτη την ευκαιρία να εμφανισθεί σήμερα στη Σύνοδο Κορυφής του ΝΑΤΟ ως ο «σωτήρας» από το αδιέξοδο στο οποίο ο ίδιος είχε οδηγήσει τη Συμμαχία.

Pääkirjoitus: Suomen jäsenyyden venyttäminen olisi ollut synkkä tahra Naton maineeseen – Turkin oli taivuttava

Tiistai-illan neuvottelujen venyminen tuntitolkulla Naton Madridin huippukokouksessa loi jo tunnelmaa, että ehkä jotakin on luvassa.

Suomen aikaa kello 21 jälkeen presidentti Sauli Niinistö pääsikin ilmoittamaan, että Turkki tukee sittenkin Suomen ja Ruotsin jäsenyysneuvotteluiden aloittamista. Suomi ja Ruotsi kutsutaan Naton jäseniksi keskiviikkona.

Turkey: Jihad against Cyprus

Turkey is now using the distraction of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as a cover to increase its likelihood of officially annexing Cyprus’s north.

It is not just part of the island country of Cyprus that is being occupied and demeaned. What is being occupied, colonized, and culturally destroyed is a significant part of Western history and civilization. It is part of the “Great Replacement” predicted for Europe but ridiculed as a “conspiracy theory”. One only need look back at the replacement of the Christian Byzantine Empire by the Ottoman Empire and then Turkey, or the replacement of the indigenous Copts in Egypt. With Cyprus and Greece under attack from Turkey, where are the West’s principles, strength and resolve?

Turkey lifts objection to Sweden, Finland joining NATO at last minute

Following the signing of a memorandum between Turkey, Sweden, and Finland, Erdogan lifted his veto against the Nordic expansion of NATO hours before the Madrid summit started.

After a day of phone diplomacy, conflicting statements, and last-minute political posturing, Turkey has given the nod to NATO hopefuls Sweden and Finland after signing a trilateral memorandum that addressed Ankara’s security concerns.

US strike kills al-Qaida leader in Syria

U.S. forces on Monday killed a “senior leader” of an al-Qaida-aligned terrorist organization during a strike in Syria, U.S. Central Command said in a news release.

Abu Hamzah al Yemeni, a senior leader of Hurras al-Din, was traveling alone on a motorcycle in Idlib province at the time of the “kinetic strike,” Central Command said Monday.

Sweden, Finland set to formally be invited into NATO after Turkey lifts objections

Sweden and Finland are poised to formally be invited into NATO after breakthrough negotiations Tuesday with Turkey, paving the way for one of the most significant alliance expansions in years.

Turkish opposition to the two Nordic states’ membership bids threatened to derail NATO plans, but hours before an alliance summit in Madrid was set to begin, Ankara got on board.