« Manipulation », « passé colonial » : nouvelle passe d’armes entre Paris et Ankara

Dans un communiqué du 27 août, le ministère des Affaires étrangères turc a vivement réagi aux propos tenus la veille par Emmanuel Macron sur l’influence de la Turquie en Afrique, lors du second jour de sa visite officielle en Algérie.

« Extrêmement regrettable ». C’est l’expression utilisée par le porte-parole du ministère des Affaires étrangères, Tanju Bilgiç, en réponse aux propos tenus par Emmanuel Macron lors du deuxième jour de son séjour officiel en Algérie.

Whose war is the US fighting in Syria, and why?

American troops have been exchanging fire with alleged Iran-backed militas all week. The timing is curious, and dangerous.

U.S. forces in Syria have been carrying out strikes against “Iran-backed” militias this week in response to a recent drone attack on the American base at Tanf and rocket attacks at two other bases in northeastern Syria.

Fighting between U.S. troops and militias draws scrutiny to Syria role

Clashes between U.S. troops and Iran-backed militias in Syria this month have prompted new scrutiny of the Pentagon’s mission in Syria, as tit-for-tat strikes threaten to escalate tensions in the region.

The U.S. decision to target facilities in eastern Syria on Tuesday — which officials say had been used to launch attacks against U.S. forces by groups affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps — threatens to heighten tensions with Iran as the two countries try to reach a deal to revive the 2015 nuclear deal.

Iranian President Threatens Israel, Says Int’l Inspections Could Ruin Nuclear Deal

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi warned on Monday that any Israeli military strike on his country’s nuclear program would lead to the destruction of “the Zionist regime.”

Raisi said Israel could not protect itself against Palestinian “resistance groups” and would not succeed in stopping Iran’s nuclear program. “Can they keep themselves safe? Can the Zionists defend themselves against Gaza despite the fact that its oppressed people are under blockade?” he asked, rhetorically.