As Part Of Iran’s Ongoing Policy Of Deploying Its Afghan Shi’ite Militia Across Middle East, IRGC Reportedly Training Fatemiyoun Brigade In Drone Use In Syria

On September 4, 2022, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that the Iran-backed Afghan Shi’ite militia, the Fatemiyoun Brigade, had begun training its fighters to operate drones at the airport at Palmyra in Syria.[1] The Syrian opposition website also noted that officials from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) were training the militia.

Palestinians Cuddle up with Arabs Who Kill Palestinians

A report published on September 18 revealed that 638 Palestinians have been tortured to death by Syrian intelligence officers in the past few years. The victims include 37 women.

“What is happening inside the Syrian detention centers against the Palestinians is a war crime by all standards.” — Action Group for Palestinians of Syria (AGPS), September 18, 2022.

So Qatar Is Free Of The Muslim Brotherhood? Really?

One of the main drivers for the founding of MEMRI 25 years ago was to present voices and narratives in their original languages, translated into English for a broader audience. That is still a key part of the mission and a valuable function. There is indeed much that is said in the original language, be it Arabic or Farsi or Chinese, that is watered down or edited for outside audiences.

“ISIS Collaborators” Caught In SDF-Coalition Joint Operation in Hassakeh

Two persons active in financing ISIS sleeper cells were arrested in the SDF operation, according to North Press.

On Tuesday, the General Command of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) revealed they carried out a security operation in cooperation with the U.S.-led Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS against collaborators with the Islamic State (ISIS) in the east of Hassakeh, northeastern Syria.