Israel Reveals Damages Caused to Iran’s Smuggling Routes in Syria

Israeli Army revealed on Sunday it destroyed 90% of Iran’s military infrastructure in Syria and aborted the Lebanese Hezbollah entrenchment in Syria.

“Israel has in recent years succeeded in almost completely curbing Iran’s ability to transfer weapons to Syria,” The Jerusalem Post cited officials in the Israeli Army as saying.

Muslim Brotherhood Elections in Syria: Is There Fundamental Change?

A source familiar with the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria said the group is preparing for an election round likely to occur in December amid a rivalry between the old leadership of the elderly and the younger generation.

The source added in a statement to Syria TV that the main problem with the leadership of the group is that it believes that its project in the seventies and eighties of the last century, and its personalities, structure and previous working mechanisms worked with outside Syria can continue in the phase of the revolution and beyond.

U.S. Budgetary Allocation to Increase “Free Syrian Army” Headcount to 2,000

Farid al-Qasim, the new commander of the Maghawir al-Thawra faction, has made several changes since he took over this position under the auspices of the “international coalition” forces. These modifications included renaming the faction as the Free Syrian Army, which raised question marks — especially as it coincides with the United States’ growing presence in Syria.

Recap: Lebanon Sending Syrian Refugees Back Home

In remote villages across the Lebanese Bekaa region, Syrian refugees are packing their belongings and getting ready to return home. Starting Wednesday, and as part of Lebanon’s “voluntary return” plan, hundreds of refugees have returned to Syria.

Syrians Returning to Devastated Country, Escaping Economic Meltdown in Lebanon (Zaman al-Wasl)

‘US has no plans to withdraw from Syria or end sanctions’: Official

Despite claiming its presence in Syria is solely to fight ISIS, US forces instead maintain regime change policies against Damascus and illegally loot the country’s oil

The Coordinator of Strategic Communications for Washington’s National Security Council, John Kirby, said on 28 October that the US has no plans to either ease the Caesar Act sanctions against Syria or to withdraw its illegally occupying forces from the country.

US occupation troops continue looting of Syrian oil

The Syrian army and locals in northeastern Syria often block the passage of the US troops as discontent about their control of the vast oil fields grows

US occupation forces operating in Syria looted a new batch of oil on 26 October from the country’s Jazira region, local media reported.

Israel’s secret, illegal biological war against Arabs

For decades the use of banned biological weapons during the Nakba was kept hidden in Israel’s archives. Recent discoveries have shed light not only on this Zionist war crime, but also the sinister motive behind it

In September, a highly revealing academic paper was published exposing the details of a previously hidden operation by Zionist militias during the 1948 Nakba (or “Catastrophe”), in which chemical and biological weapons were used to poison Palestinians, intervening Arab armies, and the citizens of neighboring states with typhoid, dysentery, malaria, and other diseases.

The EU’s energy security now rests in Turkey’s hands

Europe has sought to bypass Russian gas with disastrous results. Turkey, which has been positioning itself as an energy hub for the past two decades, is set to reap the benefits

“Geography is the constant of history,” is a quote attributed to the German statesman Otto von Bismarck. Today, those words ring true as we witness geography altering global politics, finance, and alliances.