Frozen Syria? Assessing the state of play and opportunities for engagement

On Sept. 14, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights released a statement warning that, “Syria cannot afford a return to larger-scale fighting, but that is where it may be heading.” Syria’s frontlines have been frozen since March 2020, and while cross-line and insurgent attacks continue on a near daily basis, the level of violence is significantly reduced compared to previous years.

Saldırı talimatı ABD menşeli hattan gelmiş

Terör saldırısını gerçekleştiren Suriye uyruklu kadın terörist Ahlam Albashir’in Taksim’e gelişi ve bombayı bıraktığı anlara ilişkin yeni görüntüleri ortaya çıktı. Saldırıyı gerçekleştiren terörist Ahlam Albashir de dahil gözaltındaki 51 şüpheliden 49’unun adliyeye sevk edildiği bildirildi.

Beyoğlu’ndaki saldırıya ilişkin yeni görüntü ve detaylara ulaşıldı

Saldırı sonrası şüpheli terörist Bilal Hassan’ı Edirne’ye kaçıran Ammar Jarkas’ın ifadesi sonrası çalışmayı derinleştiren ekipler, zanlıyı Edirne’de karşılayan Hüseyin Güneş’i (fotoğrafta) düzenledikleri operasyonla yakaladı / Fotoğraf: AA

Saldırının faili Albashır’ın saldırı günü bir araçla Taksim’e geldiği ve bir mağazada alışveriş yaptığı görüntülere ulaşıldı. Ayrıca Albashır ve firari şüpheli Bilal Hassan adına düzenlenmiş sahte evlilik belgesi tespit edildi

Iraq lacks strategy on many governance fronts. It’s never too late to rectify this unforgivable deficiency.

A year after the October 2021 elections, the Iraqi Council of Representatives finally ended the stalemate and confirmed the country’s fifth president. The election of Abdul Latif Rashid removed the complex constitutional obstacle prior to government formation. The intra-Kurdish competition for the Iraqi presidency was the de jure reason for the one-year delay to finalize the process of what was supposed to be an early election to swiftly replace Adel Abdul Mahdi’s government. In real time, the new government—which was seated after the natural end of its predecessor’s term—may be an interim government, as another early election seems to be the only way to restore the political equilibrium in Baghdad.

57,000 illegal Afghans deported from Turkey

The Ministry of Interior of Turkey has said since the beginning of this year, it has deported more than 57,000 Afghan citizens who entered the country “illegally”.

Anadolu Agency reported that on Saturday Turkish government officials reported 57,174 Afghan citizens have been returned to their country this year.