Upsetting Russia-SDF Agreements: New American Plan in Raqqa

Washington hopes to be able to deploy along direct lines of contact with Turkish forces in northern Raqqa governorate, according to Athr Press.

The United States has been seeking to start implementing a plan based on the reformation of the Raqqa Revolutionaries Brigade faction, which has been dissolved since June 2018. Under the plan, Washington hopes to be able to deploy along direct lines of contact with Turkish forces in northern Raqqa governorate, which would satisfy Ankara’s desire to push back Kurdish units 30 kilometers into Syrian territory from the border.

Regime Reinforcements Reach SDF Areas

The Syrian regime has sent military reinforcements to areas under the control of the SDF, according to al-Souria Net.

The Syrian regime has sent military reinforcements to areas under the control of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in northern Syria, where Turkey is threatening to carry out a ground military operation.

58 Citizens Sentenced to Death or under the Impending Threat of Death Sentence

Dozens of Iranian people arrested at recent protests either have been sentenced to death or have faced charges such as “armed insurrection against the regime (Baghi)”, “enmity against God (Moharebeh)”, or “spreading corruption on the earth”. Charges which may result in death penalty. At the time of this writing, 2 protestors have been executed, 11 others have been sentenced to death and 47 others are facing charges that could lead to death sentences. This report provides the legal case details of 58 of these individuals.

Balochistan Is A Strategic Outpost For Countering The Islamic Republic Of Iran


Iran’s mullahs’ regime may be toppled and replaced with a secular setup, but the repression in the country won’t end if minorities in Iran are not given their rights. The people of Balochistan are demanding not just regime change but independence. The solution to Balochistan’s problems is to break the chains of slavery for which its people have paid enormous sacrifices over decades. This position is shared by the people of Kurdistan and Ahwaz as well. For these reasons, it is the minorities in Iran that are most committed to the uprising against the Islamic Republic and they who are suffering the harshest consequences from the regime’s crackdown.

Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei Threatens Iranian Military Intervention To ‘Defend’ Iraq: ‘If Anyone Tries To Violate Iraq’s Security, We Will Stand Tall And Defend It’

Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei (right) with Iraqi Prime Minister Al-Sudani (, Iran, November 29, 2022)

On November 29, 2022, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei met with Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’ Al-Sudani, who was on his first visit to Tehran since assuming office. Al-Sudani was elected on October 27, 2022 by the pro-Iranian majority in the Iraqi parliament. In their meeting Khamenei instructed him on how to promote Iran’s interests, and warned, for the first time, that if Baghdad fails to impose its authority in Kurdistan – which, according to Tehran, is a source of terror against Iran, especially in the form of encouraging civil protests by Kurds within Iran – Iranian forces will “defend Iraq.” Khamenei added that ” Iraq’s security is Iran’s security, just as Iran’s security affects Iraq’s. He also called on Al-Sudani to “make maximum use of young and motivated Iraqi forces,” namely the Shi’ite militias established by Iran in Iraq, apparently as a counterweight to the public influence of Muqtada Al-Sadr, who has declared his opposition to the Iranian order promoted by Tehran in Iraq.

Latest Islamic State attack highlights security challenges facing Iraq

The Islamic State continues to carry out attacks in northern Iraq, creating serious security challenges for the country.

At least nine members of the Iraqi security forces were killed and three others were wounded on Sunday in a bomb attack targeting their convoy in the Kirkuk governorate of northern Iraq.

The Islamic State (IS) immediately claimed responsibility via its Telegram account. The attack took place near Safra, a village about 20 miles south of Kirkuk in the Kurdistan Region.

Syrian rebels kill IS caliph as attacks continue in Iraq, Syria

The Islamic State’s third caliph has been killed in southern Syria as Iraqis retain control of the organization amid concerns and confusion about identities, fighter whereabouts and security gaps.

The killing of the third ‘caliph’ of the Islamic State (IS) was announced over a month after it happened, in an area where few expected. He is the second top leader of the international terrorist organization to be killed this year.

44 espions collaborateurs du Mossad arrêtés par le MIT turc

Les suspects rassemblaient des informations sur des Palestiniens.

Les services turcs des renseignements ont démantelé dans la mi-décembre 2022 un réseau de 44 espions qui activent pour le Mossad israélien, a informé l’agence médiatique turque. Les suspects devaient récolter semble-t-il des informations sur des Palestiniens présents sur le territoire turc. Une opération conjointe de la police d’Istanbul et des services de renseignement du MIT (Millî İstihbarat Teşkilat) a mené à l’arrestation de 44 suspects travaillant pour le compte du Mossad. Ils sont accusés d’avoir espionné des individus, des institutions et des organisations palestiniennes présentes sur le territoire turc.