URGENT: Deadly earthquakes in Turkey & Syria

Thousands of people in Turkey and Syria are reeling from deadly twin earthquakes that struck the morning of February 6. The first registered at magnitude 7.8—one of the strongest earthquakes to hit the region in 100 years—and the second at magnitude 7.5.

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams have received many injured and dead people in the hospitals we support in northwest Syria, and our teams have been working since the early hours to respond to the influx. In other locations, we have donated supply kits, and we are in touch with health authorities to provide support.

As an independent, impartial, and neutral nonprofit medical humanitarian organization, we depend on the generosity of individual donors to ensure we can respond to emergencies like this around the world.

Help us save lives in the Turkey-Syria earthquake and other emergencies around the world by making a generous, tax-deductible gift now.

Interviu bombă! Fostul premier al Israelului dezvăluie detalii din negocierile Rusia-Ucraina: “SUA, Germania și Franța au blocat acordul” VIDEO

Fostul premier israelian Naftali Bennett, care a fost mediator între Moscova și Kiev la începutul războiului din Ucraina, în urmă cu un an, a declarat că țările occidentale au blocat negocierile între părțile implicate în conflict. Într-un interviu de 4 ore, fostul premier povestește cum s-au desfășurat lucrurile la acel moment și dezvăluie că au existat „17 sau 18 drafturi” de acord între Rusia și Ucraina în timpul negocierilor.

Kurdish National Council Criticizes “Silencing” of its Members in Eastern Syria

The council announced the kidnapping on Saturday of one of its activists, according to Shaam News.

The Kurdish National Council in Syria condemned acts that contradict all human values and human rights, which fall within the framework of the policy of silencing voices, preventing freedom of political action, and restricting the Kurdish National Council and the activity of its members.

Syria Today – Turkey to Reopen M4, Attack on Regime Bus, ISIS Targets SDF

The Turkish intelligence is trying to reopen the M4 highway in a meeting in Idleb with HTS and the Turkish-backed factions. Meanwhile, ISIS has killed several members of the SDF and the Syrian army, and 15 security service members are injured in an attack with an IED. The IDF says the two armed Syrians who approached the Israeli border in the southern Golan Heights the previous day — one of whom was shot dead by troops — were not combatants, and an Alabama woman who ran away from home to join ISIS and had a child with one of its fighters says she still hopes to return to the United States, serve prison time if necessary, and advocate against the extremists.

SDF Trying to Circumvent U.S. Plan to Hand Over Borders with Turkey to Arabs

The U.S. Envoy to NE Syria met with Arab tribal leaders in the governorates of Hassakeh and Raqqa, according to Orient Net.

The recent visit of U.S. State Envoy Nicholas Granger to northeastern Syria, accompanied by intense meetings with political, tribal, and military parties, has strengthened the belief that the US is preparing to develop the region’s administration and increase the presence of Arabs.

Tehran and Moscow Announce Support for Damascus-Ankara Rapprochement Within “Quartet” Framework

Diplomatic sources in Ankara confirmed to Al-Watan that Moscow is trying to arrange a meeting between the Syrian and Turkish foreign ministers.

Russian mediation, alongside Iran, has been active in recent days to bring the views between Damascus and Ankara closer. The mediation’s aim has been to expedite diplomatic talks between the two countries, noting that there is a scheduled date in mid-2023 for security talks, which may be accompanied by a meeting between the two countries’ defence ministers.

Turkey’s Turning Point

What Will Erdogan Do to Stay in Power?

In a year that has brought renewed strength and unity to NATO, perhaps no country has proven more confounding to the alliance than Turkey. For other NATO members, Russia’s war in Ukraine has brought new resolve against a common enemy and paved the way for the alliance’s expansion. Yet Turkey, though it is a NATO member, has not only maintained cordial relations with Russia; it has also threatened to block the NATO candidacies of Sweden and Finland.