Thaw In Iran-Saudi Ties To Unleash Great Potential: FM

The reconciliation between Iran and Saudi Arabia is going to endow the regional and Muslim nations with enormous capacities, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said.

In a post on his Twitter account on Friday, the top Iranian diplomat referred to the rapprochement between Tehran and Riyadh, saying, “The return to normal of relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Saudi Arabia will provide great capacities for the two countries, the region, and the Islamic world.”

Is This The End Of Saudi-Iranian Tensions? – OpEd

The Saudi-Iranian agreement achieved with Chinese mediation is a significant development in regional geopolitics, containing an unprecedented commitment from the Iranian side of respect for sovereignty, non-interference in internal affairs and restoring security cooperation.

Consecințele apropierii dintre Iran și Arabia Saudită

De la războiul din Yemen la influenţa tot mai mare a Chinei în Orientul Mijlociu, restabilirea legăturilor dintre Arabia Saudită şi Iran va avea repercusiuni în întreaga regiune şi dincolo de ea, potrivit opiniilor unor analişti, transmite sâmbătă AFP, preluată de Agerpres.

Arabian Gulf Cup Football Tournament Sparks Conflict Between Iraq And Iran Over Use Of Name ‘Arabian Gulf’ Vs. ‘Persian Gulf,’ And Over Iraq’s Membership In Arab World Vs. Iran’s Influence Zone

The 25th Arabian Gulf Cup football tournament, held in January 2023 in Basra, Iraq, sparked diplomatic tensions between Iraq and Iran by reigniting the old argument over the use of the name Arabian Gulf, favored by Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries, as opposed to Persian Gulf, which is favored by Iran. The tournament – which the Arab media refers to simply as the Khaliji (i.e., Gulf) tournament – has been held since 1970, usually once in two years, with the participation of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries (Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait), as well as Iraq and Yemen. This year, as in the past, many called it by its official name, the Arabian Gulf Cup, which angered Iran.

Iran Upgrades Perceptions Of Saudi Threat – Analysis

If there is one place Saudi Arabia was happy to be low on the totem pole, it was Iran. Those days are over. Strategic thinkers in Tehran have upgraded their perception of the threat posed by the kingdom.

Rather than simply viewing Saudi Arabia as a Middle Eastern extension of the United States and a political rival, Iran today sees the kingdom as a security threat.

An Enduring Challenge: ISIS-linked Foreigners in Türkiye

What’s new? Thousands of foreign nationals who joined ISIS in Syria and Iraq have crossed into Türkiye. Some have been deported. Others have stayed, with some still facing trial for terrorism-related charges and others nearing the end of their prison sentences. Their presence creates a humanitarian and security challenge for Türkiye, currently reeling from the devastating earthquakes of February 2023.

The Treacherous Triangle Of Syria, Iran, And Russia – Analysis

Both Russia and Iran have deep, multifaceted, and long-standing connections to Syria. During the Cold War, Damascus emerged as the Soviet Union’s most loyal Middle Eastern ally, and the relationship regained vibrancy in the 2000s as Vladimir Putin strove to reestablish Moscow’s regional preeminence. Meanwhile, the 1979 Iranian revolution reversed Tehran’s pro-U.S. orientation. Hafez al-Assad’s Syria was the first Arab state to recognize the Islamic Republic of Iran and the only Arab state (apart from Libya) to support Iran during its 8-year war against Iraq (1980-88). In subsequent decades, Tehran intensified its political, economic, and military ties with Damascus.[1]

Containing Transnational Jihadists in Syria’s North West

What’s new? A three-year ceasefire in rebel-held Idlib has saved countless lives and allowed the main insurgent group, Hei’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), to redirect its efforts from fighting the regime to dismantling ISIS and other jihadist cells. Yet uncertainty regarding Türkiye’s Syria policy may threaten the relative peace and hamper humanitarian relief.