The Question Of A Strategic Security Partnership Between Europe And The Arab World

Abstract: This paper deals with the question of the extent to which a security partnership between European and the Arab states increases mutual security on the one hand, and on the other hand, how such cooperation affects the development of the Arab developing states. Finally, it asks whether a new relationship of trust can grow between the two different cultures after a difficult historical “journey.”

Spotlight on Terrorism and theIsraeli-Palestinian Conflict(September 13-20, 2023)

This past week Palestinians carried out seven terrorist attacks. Shots were fired near
Kibbutz Meirav on the Gilboa, and at an IDF post in Deir Sharaf (Nablus), at an IDF post in Salem
(Jenin), at an IDF post near Tulkarm and in Hawwara, where two Israelis were wounded. There
was a stabbing attack at the Mizmoria Crossing (south of Jerusalem) and an IED exploded in
Tel Aviv; no casualties were reported. A stabbing attack was prevented at the Tel Aviv train
station. The Israeli security forces continued counterterrorism activities, focusing on Jeninn
and Jericho; five Palestinians were killed. Meanwhile, the Palestinian security forces continued
to detain wanted persons in Jenin.

Wagner fractures in Syria, Libya amid conflict with Russia’s Defense Ministry

A month after Wagner head Yevgeny Prigozhin’s death in a plane crash, Russian authorities are attempting to assert control over the parallel military structure.

“Prigozhin is alive.” The phrase remains among the most popular queries in Russia’s Yandex search engine a month after the crash of the Embraer Legacy jet on Aug. 23 that killed Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin.

US downs Turkish drone as Turkey bombs infrastructure in Syria’s Kurdish zone

The reports came as Turkish forces pounded strategic economic installations today in the Kurdish-run zone, including oil installations and power stations.

A US F-16 fighter jet has downed an unmanned Turkish drone close to a coalition facility in northeastern Syria, where 900 US special operation forces are deployed, a move that is likely to escalate tensions between the two NATO allies, the Pentagon has confirmed.

Experts react: Israel is ‘at war’ after Hamas militants launch major assault

It’s a new October war. Early Saturday morning, Palestinian militant group Hamas launched its biggest assault on Israel in decades. Thousands of rockets arced from Gaza into Israel; black towers of smoke rose from where they struck. On motorcycles, trucks, and even paragliders, Palestinian militants darted into Israeli communities. Reports indicate that more than a hundred Israelis have been killed, and hundreds more have been injured. “We are at war, not in an operation, not in rounds of fighting—at war,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated, as Israeli forces began air strikes in Gaza in response to Hamas’s assault.

Signs Of Possible War In September-October

Lately there have been growing indications that a war against Israel may break out in September or October 2023. The trigger may be spiraling violent clashes resulting in many casualties, or the use of new weapons leading to many fatalities on the Israeli side, in the face of which Israel will be unable to suffice with its regular counterterrorism measures.[1] While neither Hamas nor Hizbullah are eager to start a comprehensive confrontation with Israel,[2] such a confrontation could result from an uncontrolled deterioration on the ground[3] or from the use of new and unusually deadly weapons by these movements.

De ce spionii israelienii n-au anticipat atacul palestinian

De ce spionii israelienii n-au anticipat atacul palestinian declanșat de organizația Hamas
Serviciile secrete israeliene, incluzând aici Shin Bet – departamentul de informații intern, Mossad – agenția sa de spionaj extern, precum și toate activele Forțelor de Apărare (IDF), nu au reușit să anticipeze atacul coordonat lansat de Hamas sâmbătă dimineața, în ceea ce echivalează cu un eșec major pentru Israel, cred analiștii. Aceasta deși statul evreu are unul dintre cele mai extinse și sofisticate rețele de informații din Orientul Mijlociu, cu informatori ce activează în interiorul grupărilor militante din teritoriile palestiniene și în Liban și Siria. Unele voci au comparat eșecul spionilor israelieni cu cel al serviciilor de securitate americane, care a permis teroriștilor arabi să deturneze patru avioane comerciale și să atace Statele Unite la 11 septembrie 2001, în cel mai grav atentat terorist din istorie.