Iranian Website Asr-e Iran Calls On Iranians Not To Speak Out On Iranian Involvement In ‘The Hamas-Israel Conflict’ – For Fear Of Harming Iranian Interests And International Status

An October 11, 2023 op-ed in the Iranian website Asr-e Iran called on regime officials, hinting at the ideological extremists among them, to rein in their feelings and not to speak out regarding Iran’s connection to the “Hamas-Israel conflict” for fear of harming Iranian national interests. The article recommended that they not deviate from the official line set out by Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei the previous day, on October 10, according to which Iran is proud of the Palestinian resistance that carried out the attack on Israel and encourages it to continue, but that Iran was not involved in it.

How the Israel-Hamas war will test Egypt’s balancing act

Since Hamas’s unprecedented attack on Israel on Saturday, neighbouring Egypt has been fast to assert its position as a non-violent peacemaker.

Cairo has urged both sides to de-escalate, with President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi voicing the need for a fair two-state solution and prioritising domestic security by keeping the Sinai-Gaza border closed.

Israel orders the evacuation of 1.1 million people from northern part of Gaza, the UN says

Israel’s military on Friday directed the evacuation of northern Gaza, a region that is home to 1.1 million people — about half of the territory’s population — within 24 hours, a U.N. spokesman said.

This could signal an impending ground offensive, though the Israeli military has not yet confirmed such an appeal. On Thursday it said that while it was preparing, a decision has not yet been made.

What is Hamas? Seven key questions answered

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the longest and most violent ongoing modern conflicts. It involves multiple causes, and includes various actors, one of which is Hamas, perpetrators of the brutal attack on Israel that has initiated the war in Gaza.

Analysis: Why did Hamas attack now and what is next?

A number of factors led to Hamas’s operation in southern Israel.

On October 7, Hamas launched a massive military operation into Israeli territory. The shooting of thousands of rockets into Israel was followed by an attack by land, air and sea, with fighters penetrating deep into territory under Israeli control. They attacked military installations and temporarily took over various settlements. The death toll among Israelis has exceeded 1,200, including more than 120 soldiers; dozens of Israeli hostages were also taken into the Gaza Strip.

Une mystique de l’élection

Puisqu’on ressasse à plus soif le thème de «l’islamisme radical» et du «fanatisme religieux» du Hamas, un petit rappel historique n’est pas superflu. Comme le montre la partialité des prises de position sur la crise actuelle, on ne comprend pas ce conflit, en effet, si l’on oublie l’essentiel : le sionisme n’est pas un mouvement d’émancipation juive, ni un nationalisme séculier classique.