Black Banners in the Western Balkans: Jihadis in Serbia, Bosnia, Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia


In their study De-radicalising the Western Balkans, Tatyana Dronzina and Sulejman Muça (two researchers from Bulgaria) point out that „out of a total of 4000 Europeans who have joined the so-called Islamic State, or ISIS, 900 (approximately one-quarter) originate from the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Macedonia)”[1]. In addition, it is estimated that “in Albania, Bosnia, and Kosovo alone, extremists control more than 150 mosques and prayer rooms”.[2] These numbers are alarming and indicate an increasing security threat in the Balkans. Although jihadism is rooted in the Balkans since the 1990s, Balkan states have initiated a process of democratization and Europeanization, thought of as pacifiers of the region, and its religious-ethnic conflicts. The recent resurgence of jihadism in more radical and transnational forms reveals the uncertainties of the Balkans, which have led previously to large scale wars and conflicts.

King, Cyprus president, Greece PM hold trilateral summit in Athens

His Majesty King Abdullah, Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis held a trilateral summit on Wednesday in Athens.

The summit, convening for the third time, focused on the importance of the deep-rooted ties and partnership between the three countries, leading to expanding cooperation prospects across all sectors, and contributing to achieving peace and enhancing security and stability in the region and beyond, according to a Royal Court statement.

Terorism. Serviciile de informații, preocupate de Balcani

Balcanii reprezintă o miză majoră pentru Europa și pentru securitatea întregului continent. Regiunea rămâne divizată de istoria sa și de traiectorii economice foarte contrastante. Astfel, această zonă suferă de slăbiciuni care pot fi utilizate în scopul destabilizării de către mișcări radicale, în special jihadiste. O realitate ce preocupă serviciile franceze de informații, în condițiile în care Franța a fost grav lovită de atentate teroriste în ultimii ani.

Scars from NATO

After Yugoslavia’s (Serbia) President Slobodan Milosevic refused to accept the so-called Rambouillet Agreement in 1999, which in reality was NATO ultimatum that demanded from Serbia and Montenegro to allow NATO troops to occupy the province of Kosovo as well as that NATO can build bases in Serbia, and that all NATO personnel have diplomatic immunity, which means that they could not be held criminally responsible in Serbia and Montenegro, NATO attack was launched without any authorization from the United Nations. The intervention was called humanitarian under the pretext of stopping the persecution of Albanians. In media presentations by the BBC, the Serbs were the modern Nazis and Albanians the Jews. After they successfully presented the Serbs as the bad guys, NATO had a free hand to open excessive force. NATO claims about tens of thousands of killed Albanians later turned out to be completely false. The real death toll in Kosovo before NATO attack was revealed after the war and it was around 2,000 with the majority of the killings committed by the armed terrorist-separatist group, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). The KLA, previously classified by Washington as a terrorist organization, was elevated in the run-up to the war as the sole legitimate representative of Kosovo’s Albanian population. The KLA sought to create as much violence and death as possible in order to pave the way to NATO intervention.

L’Europe va-t-elle tomber dans le piège d’Orban ?

Orbán échafaude discrètement des plans pour maintenir son influence sur le pays même s’il perd les élections.

Une carte blanche de Zsuzsanna Szelényi, ancienne politicienne hongroise, experte en politique étrangère, qui a commencé sa carrière au sein du Fidesz, qu’elle a représenté au parlement de 1990 à 1994. Elle est actuellement membre de l’Académie Robert Bosch.

A tisztelet koldusai

Nem először tölt el csodálattal a szempontváltás képessége, amely olyannyira jellemzi a Fideszt. Bámulatos például, ahogy a többségi, autokráciába hajló (díszlet)demokrácia itthoni hívei, a váratlan és rekordgyorsaságú jogalkotás mesterei uniós színtéren a konszenzuális döntéshozatal szerelmeseivé vedlenek át.

Massive exercise in Black Sea with US comes after Russia warning

Russia has warned the US and UK not to “tempt fate” in the Black Sea – only one place where there are naval tensions.

On June 21, the US Sixth Fleet announced it would participate in the Sea Breeze exercise that will take place from June 28 to July 10. Washington says that “this year’s iteration has the largest number of participating nations in the exercise’s history, with 32 countries from six continents providing 5,000 troops, 32 ships, 40 aircraft and 18 special operations and dive teams scheduled to participate.”

Orban’s Anti-LGBTQ Law Crosses a Red Line for Europe

Violations of democratic norms by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban are nothing new, but the explosion of anger in Europe against the anti-LGBTQ law just approved by the Hungarian parliament, dominated by Orban’s Fidesz Party, suggests Orban has crossed a critical red line.

Καλώς να ‘ρθουν τα ευρώ

Είναι καλό, είναι χρυσό, έχει τις χάρες όλες, θα μπορέσει να προσφέρει χιλιάδες θέσεις εργασίας και 7 μονάδες μπόνους στο ΑΕΠ, θα αλλάξει το αναπτυξιακό μοντέλο, θα γίνει «update στο λειτουργικό της χώρας», θα βελτιωθούν οι εργοστασιακές της ρυθμίσεις. Πατήστε εδώ για αναβάθμιση και να σου πετιέται η άνθιση;