Erdogan writes off Greece’s Mitsotakis, maintains stance on NATO expansion

Enraged by the Greek premier’s remarks to US Congress against arms sales to Turkey, Erdogan denounces Greece, along with Sweden and Finland, for supporting terrorism.

Opening up a new battlefront with NATO allies, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced late Monday that he had “written off” Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis for lobbying the US Congress against military sales to Turkey.

Unde are dreptate Viktor Orban

Premierul Viktor Orban este știe să profite de pe urma a ceea ce prezintă electoratului drept pericole existențiale pentru Ungaria. Fie că este vorba despre demonizarea opoziției care sacrifică valorile tradiționale ale Ungariei pe altarul lui George Soros sau LGBT, fie că e vorba despre atragerea țării într-un război cu Rusia, dacă Ungaria va susține militar Ucraina, Orban a știut sa profite de aceste contexte pentru a rămâne la putere vreme de patru mandate consecutive. Prezentându-l pe Orban ca răul suprem din UE, criticii nu fac decât să urmeze strategia celui mult hulit, schimbându-i doar sensul.

Erdogan writes off Greece’s Mitsotakis, maintains stance on NATO expansion

Enraged by the Greek premier’s remarks to US Congress against arms sales to Turkey, Erdogan denounces Greece, along with Sweden and Finland, for supporting terrorism.

Opening up a new battlefront with NATO allies, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced late Monday that he had “written off” Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis for lobbying the US Congress against military sales to Turkey.

Greece’s Press Is the Latest Casualty of Mitsotakis’ War on Migrants

Earlier this month, Journalists Without Borders’ annual World Press Freedom Index placed Greece last among European Union countries for press freedom, citing a number of challenges faced by journalists in the country. The index suggests that Greece is a country in which democratic norms are in serious crisis.

Bosnia’s Dangerous Path

How U.S. Policy Is Making a Bad Situation Worse

In the Balkans, and especially in Bosnia and Herzegovina, images from Ukraine of besieged cities, massacres, and mass displacement are re-traumatizing a society that has never been allowed to heal after the wars that followed the breakup of Yugoslavia in 1991. Along with the rest of the world, Bosnians have watched the razing of the Ukrainian city of Mariupol with horror. But having lived through the siege of Sarajevo and similar atrocities, Bosnians recognize the velocity and brutality of Russia’s war on Ukraine more viscerally than others­­—and it puts them on edge.

Γιατί η Τουρκία δεν θέλει την ένταξη Φινλανδίας και Σουηδίας στο ΝΑΤΟ

Μέχρι σήμερα η Τουρκία προσπαθεί να εκμεταλλευθεί όπως μπορεί τη συμμετοχή της στο ΝΑΤΟ, δίχως η ίδια να προσφέρει ό,τι απαιτείται για τους συμμάχους, υποσκάπτοντας μάλιστα τη συνοχή του συνασπισμού, με τη συμπεριφορά της απέναντι στην Ελλάδα. Τώρα, η Άγκυρα αισθάνεται πως η παρασιτική της σχέση με το ΝΑΤΟ μπορεί να διαταραχθεί με την είσοδο των δύο σκανδιναβικών χωρών στη Βορειοατλαντική Συμμαχία.

Hungary Calls EU’s Oil Embargo Against Russia ‘Nuclear Bomb’

The transformation of the Hungarian energy system would take years and thousands of billions of forints in order to replace Russian oil, President Orban stressed.

The European Commission (EC)’s planned oil embargo against Russia can be considered as a “nuclear bomb” on Hungary’s economy, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Friday.

Prague pressures Budapest to change its Russia stance

Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala wants to convince his Hungarian counterpart Viktor Orbán to change his stance on Russia as Hungary is among the countries willing to pay for natural gas imports in roubles – a move unacceptable for Czechia despite its heavy Russian gas dependency.

Greece to raise Turkey’s stance on Russia with EU states

The Greek government is expected to raise with its EU partners Ankara’s decision not to join western sanctions against Russia, questioning Turkey’s narrative of being a neutral broker, EURACTIV has learned.

“It’s inconceivable that Turkey has managed to escape western sanctions against Russia,” a source close to the matter told EURACTIV Greece.