Balcanii de Vest – teatrul competiției geopolitice între Rusia, China, Turcia și… Uniunea Europeană (I)

Războiul din Ucraina ar trebui să ne aducă aminte că primul conflict fratricid pe continentul nostru, după ultima mare conflagrație, a fost în Balcani, o regiune care a intrat în istoria modernă cu numele de ,,butoiul cu pulbere al Europei’’. Bagajul său istoric încă atârnă greu și astăzi iar recursul la valorile păcii și stabilității început acum mai bine de un sfert de secol este departe de a se fi încheiat.

Balcanii de Vest – teatrul competiției geopolitice între Rusia, China, Turcia și… Uniunea Europeană (II)

Arhitectura intereselor Chinei în regiune – cauze și efecte. Pătrunderea Chinei în Balcanii de Vest este unul dintre primele 2-3 fenomene care compun matricea geopolitică europenă din ultimii 10-15 ani, ca de altfel și extinderea prezenței economice a Beijingului în vestul continentului nostru.

Russia: Sanctions prevent it from maintaining gas pipeline to Turkiye, Balkans

Russia says that European sanctions block the energy transfer to Turkiye and Balkan region, Reuters reports.

According to the report, the Russian operator of a pipeline that supplies Turkiye and the Balkans with natural gas, South Stream Transport B.V, would suspend some maintenance and repair work, citing European Union sanctions, a move that threatens to deepen Europe’s energy crisis.

La frontière serbe : l’espoir renouvelé des jeunes de Tataouine

“Notre pays souffre du chômage, et mon fils rêve comme ses pairs de fonder une famille. C’est mieux de migrer que de rester ici et de voir les gens se développer, alors que lui est impuissant et humilié, parce qu’il n’a pas qui l’aider. Je n’attendrai pas jusqu’à ce qu’il se suicide.” C’est ainsi que Mahmoud résume les raisons qui l’ont poussé à collecter de l’argent pour financer la migration irrégulière de son fils, à travers la Serbie, jusqu’en France, suivant ainsi l’exemple de plusieurs jeunes de Tataouine.

Open Balkan 2022: A Crisis Response Tool – Analysis

From 1 September to 2 September 2022, a summit of the Open Balkan initiative, which is a joint project of Serbia, North Macedonia and Albania based on the idea of free flow of people, goods, capital and services, was organized in Belgrade. Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama and North Macedonia Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski participated at the summit of the leaders of the Open Balkan regional initiative. The political leaders primarily came together to consider the future and look for optimal solutions for the complex situation in which the Western Balkans region is currently embroiled.

Cyprus’s ‘State of Emergency’: Turkey’s ‘Weaponization’ of Illegal Mass Migration

The Cypriot government says that Turkey is orchestrating this illegal immigration crisis, as most migrants coming to Cyprus travel from Turkey. They reportedly fly from Istanbul or Ankara to the Turkish-occupied north of Cyprus, are then smuggled to the free, southern part of the Republic of Cyprus, and from there, under EU law, can apply for asylum.

Bosnia’s peace envoy imposes changes to election law

Bosnia’s international peace overseer imposed changes to the election law aimed to prevent blockades of a regional government after polls closed in presidential and parliamentary vote on Sunday.

Former German politician Christian Schmidt, who has vast powers as international High Representative in Bosnia, acted to enable a more effective work of the government and parliament of the country’s autonomous Bosniak-Croat Federation.

EU overlooks Azeri energy graft risk

As the EU talks of ‘freedom’ from Russian gas for central and eastern Europe and the Balkans, brought by increased imports from Azerbaijan, sceptics warn it comes at a cost: increased reliance on a country engaged in a conflict and with a recent history of bribery and corruption in Europe.