DR ESAD BAJTAL, FILOZOF I SOCIOLOG IZ SARAJEVA: Na balkanskoj i BiH sceni su dobro organizovane i uvezane krimi etno-bande

„Nacionalni interes“ na koji se toliko i pozerski naglašeno pozivaju (i za koji se tobože bore), u praksi završava kao puki interesni nacionalizam: isplati se biti nacionalista

MONITOR: I ove godine je proslavljan protivustavni dan Republike Srpske. Ovog puta i uz dodjelu odlikovanja Vladimiru Putinu. Sem institucija BiH, reagovale su i one u EU. Visoki dužnosnik Peter Stano saopštio je da bi potez institucija RS da Putinu dodijeli orden mogao voditi u izolaciju RS i njene predstavnike. Kako bi ta izolacija jednog BiH entiteta mogla da izgleda ako bi je sprovodila EU?

„Fenomen Vučića je toliko prenaduvan“: Zašto predsednik napade na njega i Srbiju povezuje sa izborima u regionu?

Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić izjavio je gostujući na televiziji Hepi da situacija za Srbiju jeste ozbiljna i da će ove godine biti dosta izbornih utakmica u regionu, „što će biti dobra prilika za nove napade na Srbiju“ i njega budući da zemlje u okruženju žele da vide Srbiju na kolenima i jer je napad na njega najlakši.

NATO Secretary General Meets With Member Of Presidency Of Bosnia And Herzegovina

Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg welcomed Denis Bećirović, member of the tripartite Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, to NATO Headquarters on Monday (16 January 2023).

Mr. Stoltenberg stressed that the stability of the whole region of the Western Balkans is of strategic importance to the Alliance, as mentioned in the Strategic Concept adopted at the Madrid Summit. He encouraged Bosnia and Herzegovina’s leadership to continue focusing on reforms for the benefit of the whole country and to preserve multi-ethnic institutions at all levels. 

„Albanska javnost pritiska Tužilaštvo da ne postupi kako bi trebalo u slučaju pripadnika KBS koji je pucao na srpskog dečaka i mladića“

Direktor RTV KiM Isak Vorgučić kaže da za Danas da ne očekuje da kosovsko tužilaštvo postupi profesionalno i moralno u slučaju ranjavanja dečaka i mladića srpske nacionalnosti u Štrpcu, na koje je za Badnji dan pucao pripadnik Kosovskih bezbednosnih snaga, a kao ključan ističe pritisak albanske javnosti na KiM.

Bosnia: Governing Coalition Cracks Only 20 Days After Formation

Bosnia’s ten-party state-level coalition government lost two member parties on Thursday, only 20 days after it was formed in mid-December. 

The Party for BiH and People’s European Alliance, NES, both from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the larger of Bosnia’s two entities, quit the coalition demanding retraction of a new law on state property adopted by the assembly of Republika Srpska, the country’s other entity, on December 28. 

Kosovo: Implementation Of Brussels-Washington Agreements And Path To Enduring Peace, Long-Term Stability – Analysis

The latest developments at the north of Kosovo are reminiscent of the events from the nineties of the past century and threaten to escalate into conflict.

Over the past several years there was a noticeable absence of EU- mediated dialogue between official Belgrade and Pristina. The responsibility does not rest just with the participants in the dialogue but also with the EU and the entire international community, which has proven to be inert and ineffective in Kosovo and the Western Balkans. The billions of euros/dollars of EU and US taxpayers’ money that were spent have yielded modest results. 

Moscow’s Leverage in the Balkans

Since September, Kosovo’s fragile stability that has endured since 1999, following intervention by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), has grown progressively precarious. Clashes between ethnic Serbians and Kosovo security forces saw Serbia’s military placed on high alert in November. Several high-profile Serbian officials, including President Aleksandar Vučić, announced that the Serbian military could be deployed to northern Kosovo to protect the ethnic Serbs, who make up the majority of the population in the region.

Diverging Views Of Bosnia And Herzegovina’s Statehood Day – Analysis

This week, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) marked the 27th anniversary of the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), which ended the three-and-a-half-year (1992-1995). Since then, BiH, a war-ravaged country, has struggled with overcoming the past and moving forward toward genuine cooperation and reconciliation, which requires recognizing the past, finding common ground, making a commitment to BiH’s future, and building a sense of unity and national pride.