Ćacilend and the attempts to create incidents in Belgrade

The oceanic demonstration on Saturday, March 15 in Belgrade was repeatedly obstructed, with buses and trains cancelled and groups of fake students “wanting to return to class” supported by veterans of the infamous Red Berets

The days preceding the large protest in Belgrade were marked by a considerable increase in tension in the city. President Vučić himself had announced mass arrests as he expected the opposition to organise incidents during the protests.

Les médias mainstream veulent re-yougoslaver les Balkans

Un titre qui pourrait en déstabiliser plus d’un, et pourtant cette métaphore à caractère science fiction permet de comprendre que tout leur narratif minable actuel concernant l’Ukraine pourrait s’effondrer en quelques secondes face aux populations européennes polarisées vers un point de non retour ou de convergence nucléaire… Que dieu nous en garde!

Tito’s Velenje And Trump’s Balkans – OpEd

In honor of the lifelong president of the SFR Yugoslavia, Josip Broz Tito, there was a practice of naming at least one of the cities in the republics after him.

So we had Tito’s Veles, Tito’s Užice, Tito’s Korenica, Tito’s Velenje and of course the capital of Montenegro, Titograd. In this way, the unity and respect of the people of Yugoslavia for a single person were demonstrated.

Color Revolution in Serbia Results in High Level Resignations

#BREAKING #Serbia JUST IN: Witness the magnitude of the massive demonstrations taking place in Belgrade, Serbia. pic.twitter.com/ZZMLvVluvK

— The National Independent (@NationalIndNews) January 27, 2025

This is what happens when you don’t ban US social media.

There is no real way to avoid a color revolution if you have these apps in your country.


After the attacks on the United States in September 2001, Bosnia and Herzegovina acquired a reputation as a country supporting international terrorism. This perception was mostly a result of the 1992–1995 war, when foreign fighters tied to Islamist terrorist groups came to support the Bosniaks and spread radical Islam.

Islamism and Security in Bosnia-Herzegovina

The United States Army War College

The United States Army War College educates and develops leaders for service at the strategic level while advancing knowledge in the global application of Landpower.

The purpose of the United States Army War College is to produce graduates who are skilled critical thinkers and complex problem solvers. Concurrently, it is our duty to the U.S. Army to also act as a “think factory” for commanders and civilian leaders at the strategic level worldwide and routinely engage in discourse and debate concerning the role of ground forces in achieving national security objectives.

The Western Balkans At A Crossroads: An Old War From In New Geopolitical Compositions (Part II) – OpEd

The Western Balkans is transforming into one of the primary fronts of confrontation between global powers, where Russia’s and Serbia’s hybrid strategies directly challenge the stability and sovereignty of countries in the region. This paper examines the complex dimensions of this hybrid warfare, focusing on recent attacks in Banjska and Zvecan, which signify a deliberate escalation aimed at destabilizing Kosovo. Through the use of demographic manipulations, sabotage of critical infrastructure, and the provocation of ethnic tensions, Russia and Serbia are leveraging the Balkans as a battleground to advance their strategic projects, such as “Srpski Svet” and “Ruski Mir”.

The Western Balkans At A Crossroads: An Old War From In New Geopolitical Compositions – OpEd

Hybrid warfare has made the transition from being a purely theoretical concern to a multifaceted and pervasive strategy that fundamentally affects the structure of modern societies. It has transcended the boundaries of propaganda and disinformation, by transforming these tools into powerful weapons to influence democratic processes and government decision-making. In this context, the Western Balkans represents a dynamic laboratory where hybrid strategies are clearly manifested, which not only challenge the stability of the region, but also reconfigures its political and social landscape.

Germany: The Next Destination for the MEK After Failures in France and Albania

The MEK (Mojahedin-e Khalq), a terrorist group that has long engaged in terrorism and sabotage against the Iranian people and government, has in recent years tried to use deceptive advertising and staged conferences in various countries, including Berlin, to portray a different image of itself to the world. These conferences, full of false claims that contradict Iran’s internal realities, not only serve as a platform for spreading lies and distorting facts but also aim to incite public opinion and Western governments against Iran by creating a false image of Iranian society.