Russian Paramilitary Wagner Group Activities In Mali, The Sahel Risk Bolstering Jihadi Groups As The Company’s Abuses Against Civilians Compound

The Wagner Group’s logo

Following this weekend’s coup attempt in Russia by the Wagner Group, we are republishing our extensive JTTM study from August 31, 2022 on Wagner activity in Mali, where it has been working for the country’s military junta since December 2021. After it was announced that Wagner group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin would be relocating to Belarus, in a deal brokered by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko,[1] Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on June 26, 2023 that the group will continue its operations in Mali and that the events of the past few days would not affect Russia’s ties with “partners and friends.”[2]

Conflit au Soudan: vers un nouveau front dans la région du Nil Bleu?

Au Soudan, des combats entre l’armée régulière et le Sudan People’s Liberation Movement–North (SPLM-Nord), un groupe armé local, ont été signalés le 25 juin 2023 dans la région du Nil Bleu, à la frontière avec l’Éthiopie. Un nouveau front dans le conflit soudanais qui a débuté le 15 avril 2023 entre les troupes du général al-Burhan et les Forces de soutien rapide du général Hemedti ?

Au Sahel, le trafic de drogue prospère grâce aux groupes armés

Les quantités de cocaïne, saisies notamment au Mali, au Burkina Faso et au Niger ont explosé en 2022 selon le rapport de l’Office des Nations unies contre la drogue et le crime.

Le trafic de drogues continue de prospérer au Sahel grâce aux groupes armés non étatiques qui y sont très actifs, indique l’Office des Nations unies contre la drogue et le crime (ONUDC), dans son rapport 2023 publié lundi 26 juin à Niamey.

Le groupe Wagner va continuer ses opérations au Mali et en Centrafrique, affirme la diplomatie russe

Le groupe paramilitaire Wagner va continuer d’opérer au Mali et en Centrafrique, a assuré le 26 juin 2023 le chef de la diplomatie russe, qui affirme en outre que la rébellion de cette organisation en Russie n’affectera pas la relation entre Moscou et ses amis. Les membres de Wagner travaillent au Mali et en République centrafricaine « comme instructeurs » vont « bien sûr continuer », a déclaré Sergueï Lavrov dans un entretien à la chaîne RT.

Wagner group mercenaries in Africa: why there hasn’t been any effective opposition to drive them out

It is easy to understand what African rulers see in the mercenary group Wagner. Its fighters can be deployed quickly. It brings sophisticated arms with it and can apply force speedily and ruthlessly.

Alternative sources of military muscle have flaws: United Nations missions lack robust mandates; African Union (AU) forces lack the arms and motivation; European Union interveners bear the legacy of colonial repression. The US has little interest in Africa beyond supporting fights against Salafi terrorists.

Ensuring MINUSMA’s Smooth Departure from Mali

On 16 June, Bamako asked the UN Security Council to withdraw the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in Mali (MINUSMA). In this Q&A, Crisis Group experts Jean-Hervé Jézéquel and Ibrahim Maïga look at the reasons behind the Malian authorities’ decision as well as its consequences.

Concern over Mali’s move to kick out UN peacekeepers

Mali’s decision to kick out the UN peacekeeping mission is eliciting concerns from regional and international powers over its implication on the security of the region.

The junta of the West African nation announced the decision on June 16, blaming the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in Mali, known by its French acronym Minusma, for failing to respond to the country’s security challenges.

France targets Russian and Wagner disinformation in Africa

After armed men killed nine Chinese nationals at a gold mine in Central African Republic in March, a video circulated on the internet saying France had secretly ordered the attack and planned to discredit Russian mercenary group Wagner in the country.