Au Mali, l’armée se rapproche de Kidal

La colonne de l’armée malienne partie le 2 octobre de Gao, composée de dizaines de véhicules et de blindés, se trouve désormais à 110 kilomètres au sud du fief rebelle.

L’armée malienne a indiqué le 5 octobre au soir qu’un important convoi de ses forces avait progressé jusqu’aux environs d’Anéfis, à environ 110 kilomètres au sud de la ville stratégique de Kidal, fief de la rébellion séparatiste qui a repris les armes contre l’État central. La colonne a brisé un rideau défensif constitué de tranchées à 10 kilomètres au sud d’Anéfis, a dit l’armée sur les réseaux sociaux. Elle a assuré avoir détruit plusieurs pickups et avoir infligé des pertes « très importantes » à ses adversaires.

Sudan – One of Largest Protection Crises, Says UN Refugee Agency

The displacement crisis prompted by ongoing conflict in Sudan continues unabated with nearly six million people forced out of their homes and women and children making up nearly nine in 10 of those uprooted, the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) said on Wednesday.

“This is one of the largest protection crises that we are faced with today,” said Mamadou Dian Balde, UNHCR’s Regional Director for the East and Horn of Africa and Great Lakes.

In Algeria, Migration Is a Symptom of a Broader Social Tragedy

On March 21, nine Algerian migrants died when the boat taking them to Italy capsized in the Mediterranean Sea. The tragic story, along with countless others like it, highlights the cost of migration, which is not limited to the loss of lives. In fact, the highly publicized reports of migrant deaths have increasingly shaped a vision of irregular migration as a symptom of a broader social tragedy, one that drives thousands of skilled young people from Africa to set off down unknown, dangerous paths in search of a better future for themselves.

Africa’s Ocean of Organised Crime

A lack of state and industry accountability has turned the ocean into the world’s biggest transnational crime scene.

The ocean is central to global illicit trade. Criminal networks plunder marine resources, scour shipping lanes for vessels to hijack, and traverse coastal state waters and the high seas to move commodities to distant destinations.

Wagner fractures in Syria, Libya amid conflict with Russia’s Defense Ministry

A month after Wagner head Yevgeny Prigozhin’s death in a plane crash, Russian authorities are attempting to assert control over the parallel military structure.

“Prigozhin is alive.” The phrase remains among the most popular queries in Russia’s Yandex search engine a month after the crash of the Embraer Legacy jet on Aug. 23 that killed Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin.

Watch List 2023 – Autumn Update

President’s Take: Hot Spots Near and Far

The year 2023 has seen peace and security challenges both far from the EU’s borders and closer to home. The latter, especially, have heightened in recent weeks and months, which have seen fighting in the South Caucasus and Kosovo, even as a second year of war in Ukraine stretches on. While the three crises are very different in nature, all suggest a worrying inclination on the part of some governments to seek solutions to disputes through force of arms. Insofar as this jarring trend involves a proliferation of new wars, large and small, it flies in the face of the decades of energy that the EU has invested in turning the page on past conflagrations in Europe and its neighbourhood. Crisis Group is working on a report about how these conflicts are shaping the emerging European security architecture and how best to minimise the risk of future clashes. In the meantime, however, these three crises demand immediate attention. We have explored all of them in earlier work, but I want to share a few thoughts about recent developments.

Syrian ‘Cham Wings’ and Haftar’s Libyan army are complicit in smuggling of Europe-bound migrants

On 9 June 2023, a boat carrying approximately 750 migrating men, women, and children, left the shores of the city of Tobruk in Eastern Libya, heading to Italy. Most of those on board were Syrians, Egyptians, Pakistanis, and Palestinians. Their voyage and dream of reaching the shores of safety ended tragically on the morning of 14 June, when their boat sank 80 kilometres off the coast of Pylos, Greece.

Connexions entre groupes djihadisteset réseaux de contrebande et de traficsillicites au Sahel

Le Sahel est confronté depuis plusieurs années à une série de menaces dont les plus emblématiques sont le terrorisme islamiste, les trafics illicites et la criminalité organisée. Ces menaces ont contribué à déstabiliser cette région et dans certains pays accentué la fragilité de l’Etat. Souvent, la faiblesse des institutions démocratiques et le rôle partiellement dysfonctionnel des forces de sécurité, le manque de stratégies sécuritaires au niveau national, l’insuffisance des ressources financières, ainsi que les intérêts contradictoires des divers acteurs empêchent la mise en place de structures de sécurité modernisées. Cette situation aggrave le climat d’insécurité et accentue davantage les risques d’instabilité non propice
au développement socio-économique des pays de l’espace sahélien. C’est dans ce contexte que prospèrent également les réseaux de narco trafiquants, qui essaiment dans cette partie du continent à travers plusieurs axes transfrontaliers contribuant à déstabiliser la région du Sahel et à fragiliser la paix et la sécurité dans cette zone.