SUDAN – Another Arab Spring around the Corner

The ongoing civil protests in Sudan have brought up the authoritarian regime of Khartoum into irreversible inevitable decline. However, the escalation keeps on despite the brutality force being used by regime security forces which is unlikely able to stop things from where they departed—things are completely out of control.

TUNISIA – I am African too…

I am sad for the Ivorian migrant that was killed last week but I am very angry for those who face racism every day. Racism that unintentionally or deliberately targets all who do not conform with the majority standards of beauty, religion, values, dialect and so on.

ISRAEL – Go back to Africa…

One of the surprises so far in 2019 in a diplomatic sense has to be the reestablishment of ties between the State of Israel and Chad. From State Visits to formal ties to even the meeting that took place between the Ambassadors at the United Nations within the last 24 hours it is clear that some of these States in the Sahel are seeking new partners. Why is that?