ISRAEL – Go back to Africa…

One of the surprises so far in 2019 in a diplomatic sense has to be the reestablishment of ties between the State of Israel and Chad. From State Visits to formal ties to even the meeting that took place between the Ambassadors at the United Nations within the last 24 hours it is clear that some of these States in the Sahel are seeking new partners. Why is that?

G5 Sahel : une guerre contre les djihadistes

Les chefs d’États de la force régionale du G5 Sahel, réunis dimanche en sommet extraordinaire à Niamey, ont appelé à davantage de coopération mutuelle et internationale pour endiguer le péril djihadiste qui frappe de plus en plus violemment leurs pays.

Refugees or hijackers? Teenagers charged with terrorism in Malta

Someone has broken the law, but was it three teenage migrants, or the boat captain who said he’d been hijacked?

In March this year, a group of more than 100 migrants embarked upon an already deflating raft to cross the Mediterranean Sea from Libya. Their rescue story would later become a landmark case in Malta, a key first port of entry for migrants hoping to reach Europe.

ISIS Is Still Alive and Well in Sinai, and Israel Fears a Major Attack on Its Egypt Border

ISIS may have been crushed in Syria and Iraq, but the group’s branch in the Sinai Peninsula is continuing to function without any noticeable problems.

Although the American-led coalition has successfully put down the Islamic State and forced most of its operatives out of the last areas they controlled in northern Iraq and eastern Syria, the group’s branch in the Sinai Peninsula is continuing to function without any noticeable problems.

Mali: Une trentaine de blindés offerts par l’UE en route pour le Mali et les autres pays du G5 Sahel

Trente-quatre (34) véhicules blindés ont embarqué à destination des pays du G5 Sahel (Mali, Burkina-Faso, Niger, Tchad, Mauritanie) pour les soutenir dans la lutte contre le terrorisme.

Ces véhicules font partie du lot des quarante-six (46) blindés qui sont financés par l’Union européenne au profit de la Force Conjointe du G5 Sahel.

Au total, l’UE contribue déjà à hauteur de 100 millions d’euros en soutien à l’opérationnalisation de la Force Conjointe du G5 Sahel qui vise à améliorer la sécurité et à lutter contre les groupes terroristes.

Turkish legislators to sign off on Libya military support deal

Tripoli could request vehicles, equipment and weapons for use in army, navy and air operations as well as intelligence.

Turkey has moved closer to providing military support for Libya’s internationally recognised government after a bilateral deal was sent to the Libyan parliament. The agreement includes provisions for launching a “quick reaction force” – if requested by Tripoli.