RDC : l’ONU demande la libération des travailleurs humanitaires pris en otage

Le Coordonnateur humanitaire en RDC, David McLachlan-Karr, a condamné fermement les récentes attaques contre les travailleurs humanitaires dans ce pays d’Afrique centrale.

« (Il) appelle à la libération immédiate et sans condition de ceux pris en otage, et rappelle aux autorités congolaises l’urgence de protéger les acteurs qui s’emploient à fournir une assistance aux personnes dans le besoin », a indiqué le bureau d’OCHA en RDC dans un communiqué de presse publié vendredi.

Muslim Brotherhood hopeful for a new Obama era

Their confidence in the benefits of a Biden victory seems exaggerated, according to analysts.

Muslim Brotherhood activists and media outlets have seemed very enthusiastic about the Democratic candidate Joe Biden’s progress in US election results.

Syrian refugee in Lebanon sets himself on fire

The UN refugee agency said the 58-year-old man was hospitalized and is receiving the necessary care.

A Syrian refugee in Beirut was hospitalized after setting himself on fire outside the United Nations refugee agency’s reception center in the Lebanese capital.

Third round of Libyan dialogue held in Bouznika

A third round of the Libyan dialogue in Morocco’s Bouznika was held Thursday between the delegations of the Tobruk-based House of Representatives and the High Council of State after one month of singing an agreement on state sovereign positions’ criteria of selection.