“Enterré vivant”: en Tunisie, l’exode des médecins fragilise le secteur de la santé

Abdelwaheb, médecin urgentiste sur le front contre le Covid-19 en Tunisie, n’a pas été payé depuis des mois. A 35 ans, il se prépare à partir à l’étranger en quête de meilleures conditions de travail, comme la majorité des médecins tunisiens.

La proportion des jeunes diplômés s’exilant à la fin de leurs études, principalement vers la France, l’Allemagne ou les pays du Golfe, ne cesse d’augmenter.

Migrations: l’OIM dénonce le renvoi des migrants en Libye et leur détention arbitraire

Selon les chiffres de l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM), près de de 1 100 migrants ont été interceptés en large des côtes libyennes par les garde-côtes depuis samedi 27 mars. Ils sont renvoyés dans des camps de rétentions à Tripoli où les conditions sont déplorables. Cinq personnes ont péri pendant des opérations de sauvetage mardi et 77 ont été repêchés, selon l’OIM, qui dénonce le renvoi de ces migrants dans un pays en proie au chaos.

Cameroun: une organisation de défense des droits de l’homme exige la libération de 7 journalistes

Il y a un an, plus de 80 organisations de défense des droits de l’homme et de la presse avaient signé un appel à l’attention de plusieurs présidents africains, leur demandant de libérer les journalistes détenus dans des prisons souvent surpeuplées et dont les prisonniers sont souvent vulnérables à la Covid 19. Au Cameroun, le Comité de protection des journalistes (CPJ) relance le président Paul Biya.

UN’s Libya welcomes prisoner release as start of ‘nationwide reconciliation’

The UN mission in Libya hailed the release of more than 100 prisoners loyal to renegade commander Khalifa Hifter, calling the initiative the start of a “nationwide reconciliation.”

In a ceremony attended by members of Libya’s transitional government, 107 detainees were released from prison in the western city of Zawiya on Wednesday. The prisoners had fought with Hifter’s eastern-based Libyan National Army, which has been embroiled in a civil war against the UN-backed Government of National Accord since 2014.

Are the warming ties between Turkey, Egypt a sign of shifting geopolitics?

A possible deterioration in its relationship with Washington is driving a rapprochement between Ankara and some Arab capitals.

Despite the cold diplomatic relations between Egypt and Turkey, Ankara on Friday offered to send a tugboat to help Egypt free a massive container ship blocking the Suez Canal, amid news that ties may be warming up between the two countries.

Reimagining US foreign policy

Since the end of WWII, especially since the breakup of the Soviet Union, it appears as if US political leaders feel they are trapped in a time warp and are unable to break free. They seem to believe that they must repeat the same disastrous foreign policy of regime change over and over. Since 9/11, the US has attacked or supported attacks against Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen. The attacks, especially the horrendous US-led war crime against Iraq, have destabilized and created havoc in the Middle East, devastated these nations and caused death and appalling suffering for the people.

Concern Grows About Jihadi Activity in Ivory Coast

In the early hours of March 29, an estimated sixty gunmen attacked two small military installations in Kafolo and Kolobougou, both located in Ivory Coast on the border with Burkina Faso. The assailants killed at least three soldiers and wounded others. While no group has claimed responsibility for the attack, the media is speculating credibly that the perpetrators were jihadis based in nearby Burkina Faso, where Islamist groups have been increasingly active.

Suez Canal reopens after stuck cargo ship is freed

Salvage teams on Monday finally freed the colossal container ship stuck for nearly a week in the Suez Canal, ending a crisis that had clogged one of the world’s most vital waterways and halted billions of dollars a day in maritime commerce.

A flotilla of tugboats, helped by the tides, wrenched the bulbous bow of the skyscraper-sized Ever Given from the canal’s sandy bank, where it had been firmly lodged since March 23.