Northeast Nigeria conflict killed more than 300,000 children: UN

A study published by UNDP finds death toll caused by 12 years of violence is 10 times higher than previous estimates.

A 12-year-old conflict in northeast Nigeria has caused, directly and indirectly, the deaths of some 350,000 people, the vast majority of which are children below the age of five, the United Nations found in a new report.

Nigeria’s human rights record ‘very poor’, worse than average in sub-Saharan Africa

The report, which tracked the human rights performance of most countries, stated that Nigeria’s mismanagement of resources is largely responsible for the country’s rarely improving human rights crises.

Nigeria’s human rights record is “very poor” and is “worse than [the] average in sub-Saharan Africa,” a new report by an international organisation states.

Refugee influx chokes East and Horn of Africa

In 2020, Uganda hosted the largest number of refugees in the region, with South Sudan accounting for 1.4 million of displaced persons.

According official data, South Sudan remains the biggest originator of displaced people in the region accounting for 2.2 million refugees out of the total 82.4 million globally.

Unpacking Zimbabwe’s Ongoing Decline

A cursory glance at recent headlines from Zimbabwe could give one the impression that things are looking up. A recent World Bank report predicted growth of nearly 4 percent this year. The government took a small first step toward compensating farmers whose land was violently seized by the state decades ago. But closer inspection reveals a country with tremendous structural challenges and a government focused only on regime survival.

Libye : à Berlin, les participants appellent au retrait « sans délai » des mercenaires

Alors que la première conférence de Berlin consacrée à la Libye avait débouché sur des déclarations d’intention, des avancées tangibles ont été notées lors de la deuxième édition. Explications.

La Libye a fait état le 23 juin de progrès en vue d’un départ des forces étrangères de son territoire, avec des discussions russo-turques en vue sur un retrait initial de plusieurs centaines d’hommes de part et d’autre.

Containing the Volatile Sudan-Ethiopia Border Dispute

In mid-December, Sudanese troops moved into al-Fashaga, an agricultural area on the frontier with Ethiopia, expelling Ethiopian farmers and building fortifications. Fighting threatens to escalate. With assistance from outside mediators, the two countries should convene talks about restoring the shared land-use agreement that prevailed beforehand.

What’s new? Ethiopia and Sudan are locked in a dangerous standoff over al-Fashaga, a swathe of fertile borderland from which Khartoum evicted thousands of Ethiopian farmers in December 2020. Clashes between the two countries’ troops have claimed dozens of combatant and civilian lives.

Cryptomonnaie : l’afro deviendra-t-il le « bitcoin africain » ?

Trois ans après sa création, en 2018, l’afro, cryptomonnaie gérée par la fondation éponyme, n’a pas encore rempli sa vocation panafricaine.

Lors de la fondation de l’afro, en 2018, la trentaine de membres de la fondation éponyme n’ambitionnait rien de moins que de devenir la première cryptomonnaie africaine.