Egypt warns Europe against illegal immigration amid Nile dam impasse

The Egyptian government has warned European countries against illegal immigration should Ethiopia continue to insist on filling the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam without a binding agreement with its downstream neighbors.

Egyptian Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation, Mohamed Abdel Aty, warned July 2 European countries against illegal immigration should the filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) be completed.

La famine multipliée par six depuis la pandémie

La famine est l’une des conséquences les plus lourdes de la pandémie de Covid-19. D’après le nouveau rapport de l’ONG Oxfam, publié le 9 juillet 2021, le nombre de personnes souffrant de la famine a été multiplié par six depuis le début de la pandémie.

Un sommet entre la France et le G5 Sahel sur l’avenir de la lutte contre le terrorisme dans la région

Les chefs d’Etat nigérien, tchadien, malien, burkinabé et mauritanien seront avides de détails sur la fin prochaine de l’opération « Barkhane », annoncée par Emmanuel Macron.

Les chefs d’Etat du G5 Sahel doivent s’entretenir vendredi 9 juillet avec Emmanuel Macron, alors que la France n’a encore donné aucun détail sur la réduction de ses forces militaires dans la région, où les groupes djihadistes sont toujours aussi menaçants.

Somalia: At Least 9 Killed in Mogadishu Suicide Car Bombing

At least nine people were killed and nine wounded Saturday in a suicide car bombing targeting a government convoy near two major hospitals in Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu.

“A deafening, huge blast sent plumes of smoke into the sky and destroyed business buildings including restaurants, and I could see the dead bodies of at least eight people,” eyewitness Hussein Jim’ale, driver of a three-wheeled motorized taxi, told reporters at the scene.

As Ethiopian Troops Exit Tigray, Time to Focus on Relief

Ethiopia’s military withdrew from Tigray’s capital on 28 June, having suffered a string of battlefield reversals. Addis Ababa and Tigrayan leaders should now work on extending immediate aid to a population at risk of famine. They should also pursue political reconciliation in due time.

Dette : qui sont les créanciers de l’Afrique ?

Près de 400 milliards d’euros. C’est le montant de la dette publique extérieure des pays d’Afrique subsaharienne. Chine, Banque mondiale, Club de Paris, créanciers privés… Auprès de qui l’Afrique est-elle endettée ? La réponse, pays par pays, en infographies.

Egyptian ISIS member in Derna confesses how group recruits from Cairo

A video circulating on social media on Sunday showed the confessions of an Egyptian ISIS member who was recently arrested by Libyan army forces. He spoke about how he was recruited with many other Egyptians from Cairo and then taken to Derna in Libya. He said that they are then sent to hot spot areas between Egyptian Sinai, Mali and Syria.

Report: Washington relaunches plan of surveillance on Libya-Tunisia border

The US justice department’s counterterrorism division has revived its plan to acquire balloons to keep the border between Libya and Tunisia under surveillance, saying that following the failure of Lockheed Martin and TCOM, two other US firms are still in the running, according to the French website, Africa Intelligence.