Mali: Lutte contre le terrorisme : LE G5 SAHEL attend les promesses de financement

Avec la nouvelle orientation que connaitra Barkhane, l’opérationnalisation de la force conjointe du G5 Sahel, s’impose. Cependant, plusieurs pays dont les Etats-Unis, les émirats Arabes-Unis, l’Arabie Saoudite ou encore l’Union Européenne, qui ont promis depuis 2017 des budgets pour la cagnotte du G5 Sahel, peinent à concrétiser les promesses de financement.

Mali: Incursions terroristes sur le site des entreprises COVEC et ATTM à Kwala (Mourdiah): Cinq employés enlevés dont trois Chinois, deux Mauritaniens et d’importants dégâts matériels

Des individus armés non identifiés ont visé, samedi dernier, le site des deux entreprises susnommées à au moins une vingtaine de kilomètres de Mourdiah, dans la région de Nara. Au cours de cette incursion, les assaillants en motos et en pick- up ont kidnappé cinq employés travaillant sur ce site. Il s’agit de trois ressortissants Chinois et de deux Mauritaniens.

African Migration to Europe Is a Lifeline, not a Threat

As it has unfolded over the past several years, the migration crisis linking Europe and Africa has revealed many facets.

At its simplest, it is one of the worst ongoing human tragedies in the world today, but one that only commands the attention of a broad public under specific circumstances. One is when it is discovered that a large number of Africans have died at sea while trying to reach Europe, whether from thirst or after their boat capsizes.

Global Migration Is Not Abating. Neither Is the Backlash Against It

The European Migrant Crisis of 2015 has long since abated, but European nativist and populist parties continue to attempt to stoke the popular backlash against immigrants to fuel their rise. Italy’s Matteo Salvini, the golden boy of Europe’s anti-immigrant populists, even rode the issue into government in 2018, before marginalizing himself with a bid to force early elections in 2019 and, more recently, misplaying the politics of the COVID-19 crisis. Nevertheless, Europe’s other far-right populists, like France’s Marine Le Pen, continue to hammer on anti-immigrant sentiment, hoping it will remain a potent issue in upcoming elections.

Libye : Russes, Syriens, Tchadiens… Où sont les mercenaires qui doivent quitter le pays ?

Lors du dernier sommet de Berlin, la communauté internationale a exigé que les quelque 20 000 mercenaires présents sur le territoire libyen quittent le pays. Mais qui sont ces combattants, d’où viennent-ils, qui les finance ?

« Toutes les forces étrangères et les mercenaires doivent être retirés de la Libye sans délai. » Les pays réunis à Berlin sous l’égide de l’ONU ont été unanimes. La nouvelle conférence du mercredi 23 juin sur la crise qui déchire le pays depuis 2011 avait pour objectif de régler la question des mercenaires présents sur le territoire libyen.

Fatnassia camp is a time-bomb that threatens whole of North Africa

The ongoing armed conflict in Libya is going to push thousands of people, now asylum-seekers in Libyan camps, to escape towards the Southern border regions of Tunisia, Medenine and Tataouine, writes Mourad Teyeb.

The Tunisian government has, since last January, allocated an area at the Bir Fatnassia village, near Remada, for a refugee camp that will be managed by the UNHCR. The first stage of the camp will be conceived to host 25.000 people for a six-month period.

Migrant deaths rise on both Africa/Europe routes

Migrant deaths on dangerous sea routes to Europe, in particular across the Mediterranean, soared in the first six months of the year. At least 1 146 people died attempting to reach Europe by boat from January to June according to the UN migration agency IOM (International Organisation for Migration).

Migrant deaths rise on both Africa/Europe routes

Migrant deaths on dangerous sea routes to Europe, in particular across the Mediterranean, soared in the first six months of the year. At least 1 146 people died attempting to reach Europe by boat from January to June according to the UN migration agency IOM (International Organisation for Migration).