West African Coastal Terror Attacks: Just The Tip Of The Iceberg

Violent extremism is escalating in West Africa’s coastal states. This is terrifying for citizens but is just the tip of the insurgency iceberg. Under the surface lies a covert network that ensures terrorism continues in the region. Evidence is emerging that jihadists’ activities within and through coastal states are enabling them to fund, staff and run the logistics they need to thrive.

Ukraine soldiers to leave UN mission in eastern DRC

A contingent of 250 Ukrainian peacekeepers are to leave eastern DRC and return to Ukraine.

The announcement was made on Tuesday by the UN.

A date is yet to be announced for the departure. The withdrawal will also include equiment and helicopters.

Russian mercenaries have landed in West Africa, pushing Putin’s goals as Kremlin is increasingly isolated

They wear army fatigues with no flag and carry Kalashnikov assault rifles. They guard the presidential palace and track extremists in the scrubland. Hundreds of Russian mercenaries have landed here over the last three months, according to regional and Western officials, providing a shadowy source of protection as this nation’s alliances with the West unravel.

Strategic Implications for Africa from Russia’s Invasion in Ukraine

The invasion of Ukraine is a wake-up call to the implications of Russia’s attempts to export its governance model to Africa—with sobering consequences for African sovereignty and stability.

It’s commonly held that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s objective for invading Ukraine is to install a puppet regime that is pliable to Moscow’s interests. If so, this would be consistent with the approach Russia has taken with its forays into Africa in recent years.

Nigerian Navy Maritime Operations: International Maritime Bureau (IMB) exits Nigeria from piracy attack prone countries, award’s 77 per cent success to Nigeria

Following the significant decline in piracy attacks in Nigerian waters put at 77 per cent occasioned by the Nigerian Navy’s increased counter security operations against Maritime criminality, oil theft and other attacks, the International Maritime Bureau (IMB) has exited Nigeria from its Piracy List.

Mali to investigate disappearance of Mauritanians on its soil

Mali said it would investigate the disappearance of several Mauritanians on its territory, which has caused a diplomatic row between the two West African countries.

Mauritania summoned Mali’s ambassador on Tuesday “to protest the recent criminal acts perpetrated by regular Malian forces against our defenceless and innocent citizens in Malian territory”, according to a foreign ministry statement.

West African Coastal Terror Attacks: Just The Tip Of The Iceberg

Violent extremism is escalating in West Africa’s coastal states. This is terrifying for citizens but is just the tip of the insurgency iceberg. Under the surface lies a covert network that ensures terrorism continues in the region. Evidence is emerging that jihadists’ activities within and through coastal states are enabling them to fund, staff and run the logistics they need to thrive.

Conversation with Mr. Patrick Achi, the Prime Minister for the Ivory Coast

This Africa Center event serves as a public event to discuss the economic situation of the African continent in a post-Covid context.

While international development organizations stress African resilience, this event will take place during the Ivory Coast’s Prime Minister’s visit in Washington D.C. this month. This event will feature remarks from Prime Minister Achi about the Ivory Coast Vision 2030. Vision 2030 is a large development strategy that aims at improving the business environment, boosting the role of the private sector, and fostering job creation.

Appartenance du Mali à la CEDEAO et à l’UEMOA : Les enjeux

La Conférence des Chefs d’Etats de la CEDEAO et de l’UEMOA a décrété un embargo contre la République du Mali, à l’issue de son sommet extraordinaire conjoint qui s’est tenu le 9 janvier 2022 à Accra (Ghana).

Cet embargo porte entre autres sur la fermeture des frontières entre les pays membres de la CEDEAO et le Mali, la suspension des échanges commerciaux à l’exception des denrées de première nécessité et le blocage des avoirs de l’Etat au niveau de la BCEAO et des banques commerciales. La présente note tente d’élucider les enjeux de l’appartenance du Mali à la CEDEAO et à l’UEMOA et d’explorer les solutions pour atténuer les effets de l’embargo sur le pays.