UN experts: Libya’s security threatened by foreign fighters

Libya faces a serious security threat from foreign fighters and private military companies, especially Russia’s Wagner Group which has violated international law, U.N. experts said in a report obtained by The Associated Press.

The experts also accused seven Libyan armed groups of systematically using unlawful detention to punish perceived opponents, ignoring international and domestic civil rights laws, including laws prohibiting torture.

The Road to Megiddo

We were handcuffed, and a bandage was placed over our eyes so we could not see anything. Then the buses moved towards Palestine. Next to me was sitting an Egyptian named Gamal. He had nothing on his eyes, perhaps being Egyptian and a kind of courtesy to Egypt, which had signed a peace treaty with the Zionist state in 1979.

Measles cases surge

Measles is so contagious that a single case in close living conditions like refugee camps can activate an outbreak response. That’s expected to happen more often than usual this year.

The World Health Organization (WHO) found that there were 23 million more babies under one year old who missed their routine vaccinations in 2020 than in 2019—including the first of two measles vaccine doses that are recommended for children by the WHO. That number hasn’t been this high since 2009 and is thought to have contributed to the current massive spike in cases worldwide.

Mali’s Junta Is Rewriting West Africa’s Playbook on Post-Coup ‘Transitions’

In May 2021, Mali suffered its second coup in the space of a year, both of which were perpetrated by the same group of colonels. While the first coup, in August 2020, followed a recognizable script of quickly standing up a civilian-led transitional government with the task of guiding the country to democratic elections, the second has upended that “business-as-usual” approach to post-coup transitions.

The Rise of NATO in Africa

Anxiety about the expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) toward the Russian border is one of the causes of the current war in Ukraine. But this is not the only attempt at expansion by NATO, a treaty organization created in 1949 by the United States to project its military and political power over Europe. In 2001, NATO conducted an “out of area” military operation in Afghanistan, which lasted 20 years, and in 2011, NATO—at the urging of France—bombed Libya and overthrew its government. NATO military operations in Afghanistan and Libya were the prelude to discussions of a “Global NATO,” a project to use the NATO military alliance beyond its own charter obligations from the South China Sea to the Caribbean Sea.

Crise humanitaire et sécurité du continent au programme du sommet de l’UA en Guinée-équatoriale

Le sommet des chefs d’État de l’Union africaine s’ouvre pour deux jours ce vendredi 27 mai dans la capitale équato-guinéenne.

Le sommet d’aujourd’hui s’ouvre alors que la crise humanitaire s’est aggravée ces dernières années. Sur 1,4 milliard d’habitants en Afrique, environ 282 millions souffrent de sous-alimentation. C’est 49 millions d’Africains de plus qu’en 2019, selon l’agence des Nations unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO).

Biden Takes Blind Sheikh’s Terror Group Off Terror List

The State Department is not removing Gamaat Islamiya from the terror list because it is defunct. Just the opposite. It’s being removed from the terror list because the Biden administration expects it to be active again. And wants to be able to provide support for it.