As Europe withdraws from Mali, Russia gets the upper hand

When Mali’s government saw Tuareg separatists and jihadists storming from the north toward the capital Bamako in 2012, it turned to France—a former colonial power—for help. Operation Serval stopped the advance and was later transformed into a regional counterterrorism operation, dubbed Barkhane. France was gradually joined by other European countries, and the Sahel region had come to host the largest deployment of European forces abroad—with around eight thousand troops.

As Europe withdraws from Mali, Russia gets the upper hand

When Mali’s government saw Tuareg separatists and jihadists storming from the north toward the capital Bamako in 2012, it turned to France—a former colonial power—for help. Operation Serval stopped the advance and was later transformed into a regional counterterrorism operation, dubbed Barkhane. France was gradually joined by other European countries, and the Sahel region had come to host the largest deployment of European forces abroad—with around eight thousand troops.

Moroccan Navy Rescues 385 Migrants Crossing Mediterranean To Reach Europe

The Moroccan Navy rescued 385 migrants heading for Spain last week, the official news agency MAP reported on Wednesday. The migrants, including women and minors, are mostly from sub-Saharan Africa, the agency quoted a military statement as saying. They were traveling in several inflatable boats in the Strait of Gibraltar, which separates Africa from Europe. Some of the migrants were in poor health condition and received first aid from the navy, before being brought back to different Moroccan ports, according to the report. Morocco has become a transit country for African migrants seeking to reach Europe for better living conditions. The shortest distance from Morocco’s Mediterranean coasts to Spain is only 14 kilometers at the Strait of Gibraltar.

Alors que les pluies font défaut, la faim plane sur la Somalie

Une quatrième saison des pluies consécutive ratée, la flambée des prix et une réponse humanitaire sous-financée ont entraîné une augmentation de 160% du nombre de personnes confrontées à des niveaux catastrophiques d’insécurité alimentaire, de faim et de maladie en Somalie, selon une nouvelle évaluation de l’ONU.

Les raisons de la crise alimentaire au Tchad

Après le décret d’urgence alimentaire, l’Association de défense des droits des consommateurs au Tchad déplore le manque d’anticipation du gouvernement.

Le Tchad a déclaré, jeudi 2 juin, “l’urgence alimentaire” pour faire face à un détérioration constante de la situation sur ce point. Un décret, signé par le président de la transition, Mahamat Idriss Déby Itno, fait état d’un risque grandissant pour la population si aucune assistance humanitaire comprenant une aide alimentaire n’est apportée. Selon les Nations unies, en 2021, 5,5 millions de Tchadiens, soit plus du tiers de la population, avaient besoin d’une aide humanitaire d’urgence. Une situation qui s’est aggravée en raison de la guerre en Ukraine et le blocus sur les céréales.

Golfe de Guinée : saisie de deux tonnes de cocaïne

Le task group Jeanne-d’Arc, intégré à l’opération Corymbe de l’armée française, a saisi deux tonnes de cocaïne sur un navire de pêche dans les eaux du golfe de Guinée. Ce qui porte un nouveau coup dur aux trafics illégaux à destination de l’Europe.

UN extends searches on high seas off Libya for illegal arms

The U.N. Security Council approved a resolution Friday extending the authorization for countries and regional organizations to inspect vessels on the high seas off the coast of Libya suspected of violating the U.N. arms embargo on the troubled north African nation.

Huge Europe-Morocco Migration Begins after COVID Hiatus

Morocco on Sunday begins welcoming an influx of its citizens living in Europe after the pandemic led to a halt in what has been called one of the world’s biggest cross-continental migrations.

The last such effort in the summer of 2019 saw 3.3 million people and more than three quarters of a million vehicles cross the Gibraltar Strait.

EXCLUSIVE: The Ethiopian border town left in ruins as a ceasefire takes hold

‘The main thing we need is to return home, but we don’t know if we can. Everything there is destroyed.’

There’s almost no one left in Abala, a once-bustling town on the border of Ethiopia’s northern Tigray and Afar regions. Its streets are empty, given over to stray dogs and troops of baboons that scavenge undisturbed among the abandoned houses.

West African Leaders Put Off Sanctions on 3 Juntas

West African leaders Saturday failed to agree what action to take against military juntas in Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea, postponing a decision for a month, insiders at the meeting said.

They decided to wait until the next ECOWAS summit July 3, a senior source in the Ghanian presidency told AFP, asking to remain anonymous.