Africa’s tomorrow: a platform of hope and potential

Date: 22 June 2022
Time: 12h00 – 13h30 SAST (GMT+2)
Venue: Online via WebinarJam, register to attend online

An enterprising data platform leads the way in helping Africa overcome its human security challenges and achieve its vast development potential. Integrated forecasts cover 14 sectors for all countries and regions, following the African Union’s Agenda 2063 timeline. Insights are grounded in academic literature and use benchmarks to map ambitious but realistic forecasts that are regularly updated.

Amazigh Jews, Who Are They? – Analysis

The first Jews arrived in Morocco in the Vth century BC. A certain amount of interbreeding occurred with the exchanges with the Berber communities, which led to a “Judaization of the Berbers” and conversely a “Berberization of the Jews”. (1)

Settlement of Jews in North Africa and particularly in Morocco

Berber Jews or Jewish Berbers (in Tamazight: Udayen imaziɣen), are the Jewish communities of the Maghreb that historically spoke Berber languages and/or are of Berber origin. (2)

Au Mozambique, au moins sept morts et 10 000 nouveaux déplacés après de récentes attaques djihadistes

Le pays est en proie depuis 2017 à des violences qui ont déjà fait près de 4 000 morts et forcé environ 800 000 personnes à fuir.

Au moins sept personnes ont été tuées, dont quatre décapitées, dans de récentes attaques djihadistes dans le nord-est du Mozambique. Ces violences touchent désormais des zones relativement épargnées jusque-là et provoquent un nouveau déplacement massif de populations. Selon l’ONU et l’ONG Save the Children, 10 000 personnes ont fui leur foyer au cours de la semaine écoulée.

Darfour : les dernières violences tribales ont fait au moins 145 morts

Les récents affrontements au Soudan ont fait au moins 145 morts et blessé plus de 180 autres depuis le début du mois de juin selon l’ONU. Les violences ont eu lieu dans la région de Kulbus, dans l’ouest du Darfour, à 100 km au nord d’El Geneina, la capitale de cet État en proie à des troubles.

SADC forces suffer casualties in raid on insurgents in Mozambique

A soldier with the Southern African Development Community Mission in Mozambique (SAMIM) was killed and six others were injured when SAMIM forces raided insurgents in the gas-rich Cabo Delgado Province.

The causalities occurred during a joint operation conducted by SAMIM, Mozambique’s Special Police, and the country’s Defence Armed Forces (FADM) on 9 June.

Britain Plans to Fly Refugees to Rwanda on Tuesday

A court refused two appeals Monday, clearing the way for Britain to begin implementing the controversial plan to process and resettle people who crossed the English Channel to get to England.

The British government planned to proceed on Tuesday with flying immigrants to Rwanda for processing and resettlement, after a court blocked two appeals to the contentious plan on Monday, according to Care4Calais, one of the aid groups involved in the appeal.