Boycotting Israel is a failure, and has only helped that country while damaging Arab nations that have long shunned the Jewish state, according to a small new group of liberal-minded Arab thinkers from across the Middle East who are pushing to engage with Israel on the theory that it would aid their societies and further the Palestinian cause.
Editor of Jewish monthly calls on other countries in Europe to follow suit ‘so that fewer Palestinian children will be educated to hate — at least not with European money’.
Islamic State’s West African affiliate claimed responsibility on Wednesday for an attack on an army patrol in northern Mali that killed 30 soldiers, according to a statement published by the SITE Intelligence Group.
“The industries have a very limited need for people without experience and education.” — Johanna Odö, municipal councilor; Aftonbladet, October 3, 2019.
Now, to save money, the Ystad municipality will no longer serve hot meals to the elderly and cleaning services will be limited to once every three weeks.
Motala municipality had said that it would lower the heat in buildings managed by the city, including old age homes, to save money. “We will take care of the elderly; they will not be freezing, they can have blankets,” the message went.
Meanwhile, in June, the Swedish parliament voted in favor of a law that is likely to increase immigration to Sweden based on family reunification.
Turkey recently sent a dozen Islamic State prisoners back to their respective home countries, while Erdogan has promised to send more home over the next weeks and months.
Soon after, Muslim organizations that had asked for students to have the right to wear the veil in schools also asked for a change in the school curriculum — in history, so that Muslim civilization would be presented in a more “correct” and “positive” way.
Les FAMa continuent l’offensive dans le centre du pays. Ce samedi 16 novembre 2019 les FAMa ont ratissé dans le secteur d’OUENKORO. C’était suite à l’attaque du village BIDI par des individus armés habillés en Dozo. Apres l’attaque de Bidi les assaillants se dirigeaient vers le village de Sankoro quand ils ont été interceptés par les FAMa. Après échange de tir les FAMa ont poursuivi les assaillants jusqu’à leur base au Burkina Faso qui a été démantelée. Le bilan de cette opération est de :
Des milliers de fidèles ont répondu ce dimanche 17 Novembre 2019 au grand meeting du Haut conseil islamique et des organisations de la société civile au Palais des sports de Bamako. A cette rencontre les débats se sont concentrés autour de la citoyenneté, la cause des forces armées maliennes et le comportement des dirigeants corrompus.