Special Analysises

A History of Wahhabism and the Hijacking of the Muslim faith

Our century so far has been overshadowed by a plague which roots, western powers have proclaimed, can be found in Islam and its practice. And though politicians have been careful not to publicly brand all Muslims terrorists, the narrative has nevertheless been one of suspicion and assumption. The words terror and Islam have been juxtaposed too many times in the media for anyone to believe that it was not by “design.” There has been a war of words against both Islam and Muslims. Its aim is rather simple and only too predictable since it falls within an equation of greed and cynicism.

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Le Centre de Déminage et de Dépollution ‘’S/C Sarang KOUYATE’’ du Génie Militaire a servi de cadre ce lundi 27 janvier 2020, la cérémonie d’ouverture d’une formation de quatre semaines au profit de trente(30) stagiaires, dont vingt-trois (23) policiers de la Brigade Spéciale d’Intervention (BSI) et sept (07) éléments du Génie sur le déminage des engins explosifs. L’objectif de cette formation est de renforcer les capacités opérationnelles des Forces de Défense et de Sécurité. C’était en présence du commandant BSI, le Commissaire Divisionnaire Boubacar SOW, Directeur dudit stage et ainsi que plusieurs formateurs du Génie Militaire.

Mali: Lutte contre l’extrémisme violent: « Soyons unis face à l’adversité »

Bannir toutes formes d’excès, prôner un discours rassembleur et unificateur, pratiquer la laïcité inclusive en tournant le dos au laïcisme borné parce qu’enraciné dans l’intolérance, voilà les thématiques phares qui ont marqué l’intervention du ministre Thierno Amadou Oumar Hass DIALLO, à la faveur du sommet de Nouakchott, en début de semaine, consacré à la lutte contre le terrorisme et l’extrémisme violent dans l’espace sahélien que nous avons en partage.

Germany’s Selective Fight against Anti-Semitism

“[T]here is no reason to give the all-clear. The threat situation in Germany remains tense; it has stabilized on a high level…Germany continues to be a target of jihadist organizations such as ISIL or al-Qaeda. Consequently, Germany as well as German interests in various regions in the world are facing a constantly serious threat, which may any time manifest itself in terrorist attacks motivated by jihadism.” — 2018 Annual Report on the Protection of the Constitution, Germany.

Special Analysises

Can the new Lebanese government survive?

No amount of analytical nuance or ingenuity can challenge the conclusion that the newly formed government in Lebanon is Hezbollah’s creation. The only question left to answer is: why did Hezbollah do it?

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Sultan Qaboos bin Said al-Said: An appreciation

The passing of Sultan Qaboos bin Said al-Said on Jan. 10 truly marks the end of an era. In his nearly 50 years on the throne, Sultan Qaboos was the singular architect of Oman’s transition from a near-medieval society to today’s modern country and a powerful force in the transformation of the region to one exponentially richer and more powerful than ever before.

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Where will Iran hit next? Cyber

Following the recent escalation in U.S.-Iran tensions, the threat of Iranian cyberattacks is likely to intensify in the near to medium term. There are three possible fronts where Iran might look to carry out cyber operations: targeting the energy infrastructure of America’s Gulf allies; deploying malware against U.S. private sector companies; and launching disinformation campaigns that would aim to influence public opinion in both the Middle East and the U.S.

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Qassem Soleimani’s reign may be over, but his legacy in Syria will endure

The U.S. assassination of Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani came as a seismic shock to the Middle East, not least to the embattled political system in Damascus that has reaped the benefits of Iran’s military involvement across the region. While his death will be a severe blow, it will not necessarily translate into a decline in Iran’s influence or military presence in Syria. Soleimani’s army of militias and supporters will outlast him, possibly by decades.

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