Right-wing extremist terror attack threat growing – PET
he PET intelligence agency has raised the terror threat in Denmark from ‘reduced’ to ‘general’, reports TV2.
he PET intelligence agency has raised the terror threat in Denmark from ‘reduced’ to ‘general’, reports TV2.
The father of the Manchester Arena terrorists, who was arrested in Libya following the bombing which killed 22 people, is receiving medical aid in Istanbul.
The area of operations in the campaign against IS/Daesh will be shifting to another theater and analysts have noticed snippets of where the shift will be moving towards.
Since the death of General Soleimani in Baghdad on January 2nd as a result of a Drone Strike at the Baghdad International Airport, there has been great consternation that the Trump Administration would take such a bold step and fear that Iran will retaliate for this move.
Turkish President Erdogan is currently in a precarious situation. Turkey suffered in Syria severe military setbacks with dozens of killed. Yesterday’s agreement with Russia’s President Putin foresees a withdrawal of the Islamists supported by Turkey from a larger area to the south and east of Idlib. More than 30 Turkish soldiers died in Libya in the last few days. EU sanctions against two Turkish citizens because of the natural gas drilling off Cyprus are damaging to Erdogan’s reputation.
Q: Can you talk about your life especially after the rise of the revolution and the jihad in the field of al-Sham? With which factions did you work and what is your role in the field of al-Sham currently?
A: I was writing a Master’s thesis in international law, and my eye and heart were on the revolution in Tunisia then Egypt. At the time I began among those who began preparing and adjusting the mind to undertake a revolution against the criminal Nusayri regime in Syria, and at the end of 2011 I was arrested in my home and my books and devices were confiscated and I remained in prison for two months when I admitted demonstrating but the interrogators could prove nothing besides that, even as the accusations were many and dangerous!
AMMAN — The months-long economic crisis in Lebanon peaked on Saturday, as the government announced it would be defaulting, for the first time in its history, on a $1.2 billion debt payment which was due to be paid on Monday. The payment constitutes just a small portion of the country’s $90 billion national debt, which is 170% of the nation’s GDP. Consequently, some “unpopular decisions” have become inevitable, according to the Minister of Information Manal Abdul Samad.
On March 5, Turkey and Russia reached an agreement on the “stabilization of the situation in the Idlib de-escalation area.” The agreement came after months of escalation came to a head with the Turkish “Operation Spring Shield” against government forces and its allied militias on March 1, in response to air raids that resulted in the death of 34 Turkish soldiers in Idlib province on February 27.
What’s new? A showdown looms in Yemen’s Marib governorate between the Huthis, who control much of north-western Yemen, and forces allied with the internationally recognised Yemeni government.
In supporting Greece’s treatment of refugees as invaders, the European Union is doing Greece and itself untold harm.