Mali’s Algiers Peace Agreement, Five Years On: An Uneasy Calm

Five years after it was signed in June 2015, what has happened to the Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation in Mali?

In June 2015, the Malian government, a coalition of pro-government armed groups from northern Mali called the Platform and the Coordination of Azawad Movements (Coordination des mouvements de l’Azawad, CMA) – an alliance of rebel groups – convened in Bamako and signed an agreement to restore peace in the country. The signatories were under great pressure from an international mediation team to accept the final text, which was drafted after less than a year of often indirect negotiations. The mediation team was led by Algeria and included the UN Stabilisation Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the African Union (AU) and the European Union, as well as the United States and France, who were initially designated “friends of the mediation”.

A Brief History of Antifa: Part II

“The only long-term solution to the fascist menace is to undermine its pillars of strength in society grounded not only in white supremacy but also in ableism, heteronormativity, patriarchy, nationalism, transphobia, class rule, and many others.” — Mark Bray, “Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook,” 2017.

MEPs Demand Answers on Funding for Terror-Linked NGOs

The cross-party leadership of the Transatlantic Friends of Israel asked EU High Representative Josep Borrell urgently for reassurances that EU funds not be used to benefit terrorists and for a thorough review of funding standards for NGOs to ensure that they are not employing terrorists or inciting violence.

The Central European Case for an EU Hezbollah Ban

The European Union must finally decide how to treat Islamic Hezbollah. And stop pretending that the “Party of God” is divided into “politicians” and “soldiers”. The former can act legally, the latter cannot – because they are terrorists who “specialize” in bombings, including suicide ones. It is time to recognize that Hezbollah is one organization. A terrorist organization – writes Sebastian Rejak*.

Russian Imperial Movement Provides Weapons & Combat Training To German Neo-Nazis

German neo-Nazis are training with the far-right Russian Imperial Movement (RIM) to gain proficiency in more advanced military-style tactics, according to a report by German news magazine Focus. The RIM, which was recently designated by the United States as Specially Designated Global Terrorists, is said to have hosted extremists who belonged to the youth wings of two German political parties considered to be neo-Nazi movements, the National Democratic Party and The Third Path. The training reportedly took place at a camp known as Partizan near Saint Petersburg, where former Russian military members conduct trainings on bombmaking, marksmanship, combat medicine, and small-group tactics such as assaulting and clearing buildings.