Remaining and Expanding: The Recovery of Islamic State Operations in Iraq in 2019-2020

Abstract: The Islamic State has recovered from its territorial defeats since 2017 to mount a strong and sustained resurgence as an insurgent force inside Iraq. A new analysis of attack metrics from the past 18 months paints a picture of an Islamic State insurgency that has regained its balance, spread out across many more areas, and reclaimed significant tactical proficiency. Now operating at the same levels it achieved in 2012, a number of factors suggest that the Islamic State could further ramp up its rural insurgency in 2020 and 2021. An input of experienced cadres from Syria, a downturn in Iraqi and coalition effectiveness, and now the disruption of a combined COVID and economic crisis will likely all feed into an escalating campaign of attrition against the Iraqi state, military, and tribes.

Al Qaeda and ISIS Had a Truce in Africa—Until They Didn’t

Not long ago, it was plausible to believe the Sahel region of Africa might be spared the internecine fighting that has characterized relations between the Islamic State and al Qaeda in Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, and Yemen. For years, jihadis linked to al Qaeda operating in the Sahel tried hard to maintain jihadi unity, keeping open lines of communication with Islamic State franchise groups operating in North and West Africa, even while disavowing the Islamic State’s more extreme ideology. Some reports from the Mali-Niger-Burkina Faso tri-border area have gone beyond describing tolerance between the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISGS), and al Qaeda’s affiliate, Jamaat Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin (JNIM), and spoken instead of more concrete forms of collaboration, including the coordination of attacks.

IntelBrief: Examining Atomwaffen Division’s Transnational Linkages

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Recent discussion about white supremacy extremist groups has focused on the Russian Imperial Movement, but the Atomwaffen Division (AWD) deserves closer scrutiny for its transnational linkages and global aspirations.
Atomwaffen members maintain links to Canada, Germany, Ukraine, Estonia, and elsewhere.
Atomwaffen has cultivated linkages to other white supremacy extremist groups abroad, including the Sonnenkrieg Division, the Feuerkrieg Division, a German chapter labeled AWD Deutschland, and the Antipodean Resistance based in Australia. 
It is critical to counter the transnational growth of Atomwaffen before it is able to metastasize into a full-scale movement abroad, where it could draw upon an anonymous globalized network to organize and conduct terror attacks. 

IntelBrief: The National Security Implications of Conspiracy Theories

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Conspiracy theories may be having a unifying effect as white supremacists, QAnon adherents, and antigovernment groups each see COVID-19 as a once in a lifetime opportunity to forcefully oppose societal norms. 
Anti-Semitic conspiracy theories have had a steady presence over mainstream social media platforms and in the deep recesses of the internet.
5G and anti-vaccine conspiracy theories have been used to incite violence during the coronavirus pandemic.
The expansion and normalization of conspiracy theories is happening as trust in mainstream media diminishes – a toxic combination that represents a threat to U.S. national security.