Iran- Turkey Partnership: A New Front in Libya

There is strategic consensus among political elites currently ruling the Islamic Republic of Iran and Turkey states. Despite of few turmoil, both states want to retain cordial relations that can lead towards the support of each other’s national sovereignty and stability.

US Occupation of Syria Is Now Official

The Pentagon regime officials claim this came after a series of incidents between US and Russian troops in the country, who will be operating in northeast Syria on a 90-day deployment.

They say the additional soldiers and vehicles will serve as a “show of presence” to discourage Russia from entering the eastern security zone where US forces and the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces operate. It’s more than that.

Ain Issa | As Russian and regime forces’ movements continue in the region, Turkish forces withdraw heavy weapons

Very reliable sources have informed the Syrian Observatory that Turkish forces withdrew their heavy weapons and gears from Kuramuzat village in Ain Issa city in northern Al-Raqqah. The reasons behind this development, which coincides with ongoing movements by Russian and regime forces in Ain Issa, have not been known yet.

East Med Gas Forum turns into regional organisation, in blow to Turkey

Through this step, Egypt becomes a regional energy centre.

The Mediterranean countries allied under the cover of the Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum have moved to a more realistic stage after announcing the transformation of this project into a regional organisation that aims to counter Turkish harassment and officially turn Egypt into the natural gas capital of the region.

Turkey: Erdoğan’s Soft Spot for Hamas

So far, Erdoğan’s fanaticism has come without any cost to him internationally, or any damage to his domestic political survivability. He has every ideological and pragmatic reason to keep up his love affair with Hamas.

Maroc : vers une récession économique plus brutale en 2020

Tous les indicateurs devraient fortement se dégrader en 2020 à cause de la crise sanitaire et des mesures des autorités, avant de se redresser en 2021.

Plus sombres qu’en juin dernier, les nouvelles prévisions macroéconomiques pour le Maroc prévoient une récession plus brutale pour 2020 à cause de la crise sanitaire. L’économie du pays devrait se contracter de 6,3 %, et non de 5,2 % comme la banque centrale marocaine l’avait annoncé, en raison d’un « redémarrage plus lent que prévu » face à la pandémie. Des prévisions amenées à évoluer tant la situation est encore incertaine.