Jean-Yves Le Drian au Mali, première visite depuis le coup d’État

Le ministre français des Affaires étrangères se rend ce dimanche au Mali pour une visite de deux jours. C’est la première visite d’une autorité civile française depuis le coup d’État du 18 août. Le chef de la diplomatie française aura des entretiens notamment avec le président de la transition et son Premier ministre Moctar Ouane. Paris veut parler de paix, de sécurité, mais également apporter son soutien à la transition.

Cinci ani și jumătate în captivitate. Sora românului răpit de jihadiști în Burkina Faso răbufnește: ”Nu mai avem încredere în autoritățile române”

”Ne așteptăm ca după cinci ani să primim un mesaj de la Iulian sau noi să-i putem trimite un mesaj. Să știe că familia se gândește la el, iar noi să știm că este bine”, spune sora lui Iulian, Elvira Gherguț, pentru Libertatea. Autoritățile de la București menționează că nu au noutăți, dar că se lucrează.

Conflict trends

SUDAN U.S. President Trump announced a normalisation agreement between Sudan and Israel on Friday, shortly after signing an order to remove Sudan from its list of state sponsors of terrorism in exchange for the country paying $335mn to the families of victims of the 1998 Al Qaeda bombings in Dar es Salaam and Nairobi. Crisis Group expert Jonas Horner says removing Sudan from the U.S. State Department’s terror list will boost Prime Minister Hamdok politically and facilitate Khartoum’s access to desperately needed international debt relief and loans to combat the country’s dire economic crisis. While the Trump administration will herald the normalisation agreement as a foreign policy victory ahead of the U.S. presidential election, the deal may catalyse a new wave of dissent among Sudanese Islamists.

Turkey seeks to whitewash Palestinian Islamic Jihad as normal ‘group’

As part of Turkey’s ruling party hosts Hamas terrorists, it has also begun to try to normalize Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), an extremist terror group that is widely seen as an Iranian proxy. Israel has put pressure on PIJ in recent years, killing Bahaa Abu el-Atta in November 2019. According to Russian media, Islamic Jihad deputy leader Akram al-Ajouri’s home was also hit with an airstrike last year in Damascus.

Africa is the next global influencer. That’s an opportunity.

In a COVID-altered landscape of global security threats, economic opportunities and strategic change, Africa is seizing center stage. Africans form the world’s fastest-growing population and national economies. Violent crises, democracy movements, extremist threats, international investments, human displacement and strategic opportunities all are rising. The coronavirus pandemic underscores both Africa’s risks to global stability from fragile states—and the overlooked potential of a continent now outperforming wealthier regions in containing the public health crisis. COVID is the latest reminder that “Africa’s deepening vulnerabilities and its rising capacities will shape global realities whether we prepare for that or not,” according to scholar Joseph Sany.