Vienna shooter tried to join Islamic State in Syria

The gunman who killed four people in Austria on Monday night was convicted last year on charges of trying to join the Islamic State (IS) in Syria.

The shooting took place near Vienna’s main synagogue in an area with many open restaurants and bars. The gunman, identified as Kujtim Fejzulai, killed four people and injured 22 others before he was shot dead by police, The Associated Press reported Tuesday.

Cybersécurité : « Internet offre un sanctuaire à l’idéologie jihadiste »

Après la décapitation du professeur français Samuel Paty, survenue après des campagnes de cyberharcèlement, Laurence Bindner, spécialiste des discours extrémistes en ligne, revient sur le rôle joué par le web dans le jihad.

N’y a-t-il qu’un pas du discours de haine en ligne au passage à l’acte ? La question est de nouveau posée depuis l’attaque ayant entraîné le décès par décapitation du professeur d’histoire-géograhie Samuel Paty, le 16 octobre, à Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, dans la banlieue ouest de Paris.

Why Belgium is not Europe’s jihadi base

An attack on Belgium was not a matter of “if” but “when,” experts and officials warned. And still, the tragic events of March 22 came as a shock to us all — the counter-terrorism community included. These were the first large-scale suicide bombings coordinated in our country.

How to Define Political Islam

Very few books have tackled the exploitation of Islam by political organizations to achieve wealth and power. As a result, those who ascribe to these ideologies and ways of life are rarely held accountable. However, Mohamed Said Al-Ashmawi’s book Political Islam scrutinizes the phenomenon of Political Islam and exposes the true motives of such organizations. It distinguishes between these groups and the true essence of Islam based on tawhid and its central value of mercy.

Muslim No-Go-Zones in the West – A Myth or a Reality?

The concept of “no-go-zones” has been a hot topic in media discourse in recent years. Sensational claims have been made about the existence of exclusively Muslim neighborhoods where non-Muslims are not allowed to enter. For instance, in 2015, to emphasize the gravity of the situation, Fox News guest and “terrorism expert” Steve Emerson stated that the city of Birmingham in the UK is totally Muslim. The city is in fact only 22% Muslim. The statement led David Cameron to brand Emerson a complete idiot.

Assessing the Threat of Al-Muhajiroun

The residual threat posed by the banned terrorist group al-Muhajiroun (ALM) group is matched by the enduring public curiosity that it provokes. The symbiotic relationship between the threatening rhetoric that the group employs and the resulting fascination with its activities has played to the group’s strategy of courting attention and transmitting their ideology to a larger audience. For many years the media fed this preoccupation by promoting the provocative exploits of ALM and publishing interviews with its most prominent spokesman, the deceptively outlandish Anjem Choudary.

Europe’s Chechen Foreign Fighters

The Chechen War and the Diaspora

Chechen militants have gained notoriety thanks to their abilities on the battlefield. The two brutal wars in Chechnya produced a large set of hardcore and experienced extremist fighters.