Police investigate if Vienna attacker was part of wider network

Austrian police are investigating whether an Islamist terrorist who killed four people in Vienna on Monday night was part of a wider network and if the attack could have been prevented.

Kujtim Fejzulai, known to authorities as a sympathiser of the Islamic State group, which claimed credit for the murders, is believed to have been the lone gunman in the attack despite hours of uncertainty over whether accomplices remained at large.

Libyan tribes delegation visit Anadolu Agency in Ankara

Opinion leaders from The Toubou, Tuareg, Berber tribes discuss bilateral relations at Turkish news agency’s offices


Opinion leaders from Libya’s leading tribes visited Anadolu Agency headquarters Wednesday in Ankara to discuss cooperation between the two countries and the latest developments in the war-torn country.

US, Russia at Odds over Syrian Refugee Conference

Washington is intensifying its diplomatic efforts to ensure that European and Arab countries and United Nations agencies boycott Damascus’ upcoming Syrian refugee conference, set for November 11 and 12.

The United States is seeking to underscore the “Russian delusions” over the conference and make sure that it foils Moscow’s plan to end Damascus’ isolation, restore legitimacy to the Syrian government and “transform military achievements into political acceptance.” Moreover, Washington is working on preventing Russia from separating the refugee file and political process from the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2254.

Nice attack looms large in Tunisian-French relations

The young age of Aissaoui, who was born in 1999, is sparking concern in Tunisia about whether a new generation of jihadists is emerging.

A few days after the brutal killing of three individuals at a church in the French Mediterranean city of Nice, the terrorism act is looming large in Tunisian-French relations.

Global Migration Is Not Abating. Neither Is the Backlash Against It

The Migrant Crisis of 2015 has abated, but European nativist and populist parties continue to attempt to stoke the popular backlash against immigrants to fuel their rise.

Italy’s Matteo Salvini, the golden boy of Europe’s anti-immigrant populists, even rode the issue into government last year, before marginalizing himself with a bid to force early elections and, more recently, misplaying the politics of the COVID-19 crisis.

Mali: Le Vice-président de la Transition, Colonel Assimi GOITA a reçu en audience l’Ambassadeur des Etats-Unis d’Amérique au Mali, SEM Dennis B. HANKINS.

L’ Ambassadeur HANKINS et le Vice-président ont parlé de la coopération entre le Mali et les Etats-Unis, notamment les questions de défense et de sécurité.

« Le Mali est l’un de nos partenaires dans la lutte contre le terrorisme dans cette région, a rappelé M. HANKINS qui a salué l’assistance du Gouvernement malien lors des opérations qui ont permis la libération d’un otage américain la semaine dernière au Nigéria.

Pour l’Ambassadeur HANKINS, les Etats-Unis resteront toujours un partenaire du gouvernement Malien sur les questions de sécurité.

Mali: Opération SAMA II : Sale temps pour les terroristes dans le Gourma malien

Au cours d’une opération de contrôle de zone élargi dans le Gourma malien, le 26 août 2020, une compagnie malienne de la force conjointe du G5 Sahel (FC-G5S) a découvert un important plot logistique des groupes armés terroristes (GAT). Bilan de cette opération : une vingtaine de motos, des moyens de communication et une importante quantité de carburant saisis.