A Light in Libya’s Fog of Disinformation

Nested within Libya’s ongoing civil war are a fog of falsehoods, distortions, and polarizing narratives that have engulfed Libyan social media networks and online news outlets. Content created and fueled by foreign actors adds to the confusion. Difficulty in identifying the truth has fueled demoralization and distrust among many Libyans.

Why the U.S. Needs a Different Approach in Mali

The United States has mostly avoided in Africa the costly mistakes it made in Afghanistan and Iraq. If that is to continue, a good understanding of internal developments and issues in African countries will be crucial. Until now, the United States’ primary concern in Mali has been the jihadist insurgency in the northern and central parts of the country.

Le Burkina Faso oscille entre joie et inquiétude après la libération des otages détenus au Mali

Théâtre de violences répétées, le pays redoute que la remise en liberté de dizaines de djihadistes entraîne un regain des attaques dans la région.

Le soulagement et l’inquiétude, la joie et la colère. Au Burkina Faso, pays frontalier du Mali et lui aussi confronté au péril djihadiste, la libération de l’humanitaire française Sophie Pétronin et de l’homme politique malien Soumaïla Cissé a provoqué des sentiments mêlés. Ces otages étaient jusqu’alors détenus dans le nord du Mali par le Groupe de soutien à l’islam et aux musulmans (GSIM), la principale alliance djihadiste au Sahel liée à Al-Qaida.

Growing consensus against Turkey’s threats to Greece

The US State Department, in unusually tough language, slammed Turkey for creating another crisis off the coast of a small Greek island. Turkey has been using NAVTEX, a naval warning announcement, to force its navy into Greek waters or off the coast of Greek islands under the guise of “research.” It is a carefully orchestrated series of provocations by Ankara, stage-managed every month by Turkey’s increasingly aggressive an extremist far-right President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to try to bully Greece and Mediterranean countries.