The continent is a hotbed for populist movements, mostly driven by anti-immigrant sentiment. In countries where those parties have won power, particularly in the east, they have often attempted to dismantle democratic institutions.
A close confidant of Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Adnan Tanriverdi claims expertise in all the dark arts of warfare.
In the eyes of some, he is the Islamic world’s most powerful gun-for-hire, a well-connected ex-general with thousands of battle-hardened Syrian mercenaries at his command. A close confidant of Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Adnan Tanriverdi claims expertise in all the dark arts of warfare, from sabotage and counter-insurgency to assassinations.
Europa Centrală și de Est pierde masiv populație. Studii recente efectuate de Uniunea Europeană și de grupuri de oameni de știință de la instituții ori publicații prestigioase, precum Lancet, arată că “hemoragia” din acest sector va duce la o depopulare de anvergură în zonă, țări ca România, Bulgaria ori Ucraina urmând să piardă undeva între 50-70% din populație până în anul 2100.
The northern Syrian province of Idlib is the last remaining stronghold controlled by forces opposed to President Bashar al-Assad.
Syrian government forces have been pushing into rebel-held territory with the help of Iranian-backed militias and Russian airstrikes.
Dozens of towns and villages have been captured by Syrian forces including a key strategic highway, the main economic artery through Syria from north to south, linking Damascus, Homs and Aleppo.
The lessons that al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) has learnt after years of activity in the Sahel have crystallised in the creation of Jamā’at Nuṣrat al-Islām wa-l-Muslimīn, or JNIM. This paper analyses JNIM propaganda to shed light on this new alliance and its relationship with the regional organisational structure of AQIM.
Les sénateurs n’ont pas de courage, mais se réservent le droit d’en avoir un jour
« Élections sénatoriales, c’est parti », titrait le 4 septembre dernier sur son site la chaîne parlementaire Public Sénat. Comment ne pas soupçonner que c’est pour ces élections, qui auront lieu le 27 septembre prochain, qu’ont été bâclées les élections municipales ? Les élus locaux étant les grands électeurs des élections sénatoriales, le Président du Sénat ne pouvait que s’inquiéter qu’elles pussent être différées. Lors du premier tour des municipales, certains responsables politiques ne lui ont-ils pas imputé la faible participation des citoyens à ce scrutin (44,66%) ? Le second tour sera pire, avec une participation de 41,6%.
Delegates from Libya’s internationally recognized government and from putschist Gen. Khalifa Haftar’s side on Thursday agreed on the criteria for appointments to their country’s key institutions, a joint statement made at talks in Morocco said, while hundreds of people in the city of Benghazi took to the streets to protest dire living conditions.
Tensions between Athens and Ankara could escalate with terrible force at any moment, which will be one of the reasons why Turkey is taking drastic measures to preserve the country’s integrity.