How The Fed’s Inflation Is Driving Stock Buybacks – OpEd

Senator Elizabeth Warren appeared on CNBC last week, sparring with hosts Becky Quick and Joe Kernan over stock buybacks.

Both sides here either forget about, miss, or fail to prioritize the key behavioral incentives that drive this activity.

It is true that company managers are shareholder agents—and are obligated to pursue projects to the end of wealth maximization. If the managers perceive that they do not have enough net present value–positive projects to pursue, they often pay dividends or do share buybacks.

What did Turkey gain from the Armenia-Azerbaijan war?

In 2011, the International Crisis Group wrote that if a war broke out between Armenia and Azerbaijan, Turkey risked being “dragged in” to the conflict. “Public pressure” might force Ankara to intervene in support of Azerbaijan, the ICG wrote, “contrary to [its] larger foreign policy interests.” As a result, Turkish officials were “doing all they can to persuade Baku war would be a ‘nightmare scenario.’”

Mali: nouveaux affrontements entre al-Qaïda et l’État islamique

Au mois d’octobre, des combats violents opposant les combattants du groupe État islamique et d’al-Qaïda avaient été signalés. C’est à nouveau le cas depuis une dizaine de jours dans la région du Gourma malien. Les branches locales des deux organisations terroristes, Aqmi et l’EIGS, sont en concurrence au Sahel pour le contrôle de certaines zones.

Conflit en Éthiopie: le Conseil de sécurité divisé

Le blocage entre l’Éthiopie et l’ONU continue à propos de la situation dans le Tigré : malgré les discussions en cours, la communauté internationale ne parvient pas à convaincre le gouvernement éthiopien de lui laisser apporter une aide humanitaire. Et au sein même du Conseil de sécurité, qui se réunissait pour la deuxième fois sur la question depuis fin novembre, les voix s’opposent quant à la façon de mettre la pression sur Addis-Abeba.

La Somalie rompt ses relations diplomatiques avec le Kenya

La Somalie a rompu mardi ses relations diplomatiques avec le Kenya, qu’elle accuse d’ingérence, après des mois de tensions croissantes entre les deux voisins d’Afrique de l’Est et alors que Mogadiscio se prépare à des élections pour désigner ses députés et son président.

What became of the ‘Arab Spring’?

In Egypt, protests gathered momentum, and the army pulled its forces from the protests and Mubarak stepped down – to be tried in August on charges of abusing power and killing demonstrators.

Tunisia’s revolution after a fruit seller killed himself a decade ago inspired a wave of revolt in Arab countries as people rose up to demand democracy. This is what happened in each of the main uprisings.

Israel’s historic missile test: A message to Iran, Hezbollah, allies

Today’s warfare is not about hunting down terrorists in buildings or using tanks, it is also about confronting hi-tech missiles and drones

Israel’s Missile Defense Organization and the US Missile Defense Agency have successfully completed an unprecedented, historic test designed to confront multiple threats using a multitiered system. Nothing like this has ever been reported to have been done before, and it represents a response to the latest threats emerging in the region.

Iron Dome intercepts cruise missiles for first time

MoD: System can intercept a variety of threats, including UAVs and cruise missiles

The Israel Missile Defense Organization has successfully completed a series of live-fire intercept tests of the Iron Dome and David’s Sling weapon systems against threat-representative cruise and ballistic missiles, the Defense Ministry said Tuesday. It is the first time the the Iron Dome system intercepted a cruse missile.